Turbulent times

You don't need to do anything besides turn on any form of news to know that things are feeling increasingly unstable and volatile. The current administration's lurching about, nationally and internationally, as well as the dangerous rhetoric and cadence of other global powers has us all on edge. As a nation, we have never been so divided.

We are at the mid-point between the two eclipses and now MERCURY has turned retrograde, making a total of 5 retrograde planets.

MERCURY retrograde is always a time to slow down, go inside and take a step back from the break neck pace of modern life. It's tricky reputation comes from the fact that, in general, it's not a choice. If you don't willingly slow down and let the retrograde medicine do its work, then it will find ways to cause you to slow down (technological problems, missed appointments, flights etc).

It is medicine that we need, but often do not appreciate. This MERCURY retrograde is in VIRGO, opposing NEPTUNE in PISCES.

This retrograde period is about what we can control and what we cannot control. VIRGO is about fighting neglect and parasites (on any level). PISCES tells us that you have been given a body by God, and VIRGO tells us that we must take care of it. Your body needs to be cherished, valued, protected and maintained or it will be taken away from you, one way or another.

VIRGO MERCURY retrograde is telling you that in order to be healthy; physically, emotionally and spiritually, you must fight against neglect.

But the priority needs to be health and not just control (which VIRGO can easily fall prey to).

But the balance with PISCES is, beware of too much rigidity, too much sterility.

Get yourself out in some wild nature and take a long hike. Get sweaty, go swimming, eat some wild berries. Then go home and do a salt scrub and an enema.

There is so much fire in the sky right now, with the SUN MARS and the NORTH NODE all holding steady in LEO, while SATURN and URANUS finish up their long journeys in SAG and ARIES, respectively.

Use this MERCURY retrograde to help you ground out physically. Do the little things like clean your room, clean out the fridge, do a cleanse, wash your car. And use the VENUS in CANCER to tune into your hearth and home and family. Circle the wagons.

If you are traveling to see the eclipse next week, be extra careful, pack well, be prepared for any contingencies.

Stay cool and grounded!

With love and light,

Paetra Tauchert, Astrologer
