Opening the Energy Gate

What actually is an eclipse?

An eclipse takes place when the MOON moves between the SUN and EARTH.

When this happens, the MOON blocks the light of the SUN from reaching EARTH. This causes an eclipse of the SUN, or Solar Eclipse. During a Solar Eclipse, the MOON casts a shadow onto EARTH.

And though the path of the totality of this eclipse is only over a small part of the United States,

it's effects are widely felt.

An Eclipse takes us between the worlds. The gates are open and the energy of the soul pours in. The eclipses have to do with our emotional bodies. Of all of our different bodies (physical, spiritual, mental, emotional), our emotional body is the slowest and densest, but also its the bottom line of where our soul’s evolution is gauged. Ultimately, everything must be run through the emotional body and be digested very well, or we will just have to go back later on and re-process it, in order to move forward in our lives.

Thus, eclipses are extra potent emotional events. In eclipse season, the hand of destiny is at play. The place that the eclipse lands in your chart is super highlighted in terms of your emotional evolution. It will be impossible to remain asleep in this part of your chart.

The eclipse will take place at 24 degrees LEO, so look to your natal chart to see what house that lands in. (Contact me for a reading if you do not know.)

The primary effect of the eclipse is that for a period of time, everything in turned on its head.

In broad daylight, darkness will fall. You don't have light to see, the luminaries are eclipsed and thus you do not have control. That's a scary feeling as we have so little control in life anyway, but we usually can count on the giant light bulbs in the sky to do their jobs.

This is time out of time. We are subject to powers much vaster, greater and larger than ourselves. It requires trust.

So whatever it is that you are planning for the big day, remember to take some time to go inside, to find the light within. MARS is very close to the degrees of the eclipse signifying that this is a very volatile time, and prayers of peace are very much needed.

LEO is the sign of life, of the continuation of life. Saying prayers for the well-being and longevity and protection of the life currently incarnated on EARTH as well as the next 7 generations to come is a great place to focus your energy.

LEO rules the heart and tells us that at the end of the day, love is the most important piece.

Sending you so much love!


Art work by Matazo Kayama

#PaetraTauchert #evolutionaryastrology #skyscholar #eclipse #leo
