New-Year's Full Supermoon

January 1, 2018 at 6:24pm PST is a Full Moon at 11 degrees Cancer.

Our New Year's entry is a water birth onto the earth and then Uranus stations direct the next day (we then will have 9 weeks of no retrograde planets).

The Moon is opposing the Sun, Venus and Pluto, while Saturn is still holding strong at the first degree of Capricorn, getting sure-footed in his new sign, as any good goat god would do. A Full Moon is always opposite the Sun, and in addition this Moon is trine Neptune in Pisces and trine Mars + Jupiter in Scorpio, creating a grand water trine in water houses.

Sea Melodies, 1904 by Herbert James Draper

The Full Moon Sabian Symbol is:

A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby Whose Aura Reveals Him

to be the Reincarnation of a Great Teacher.

On a hunch, I looked up the Dalai Lama's chart and

His Holiness has his Sun at the same degree of this Sabian Symbol.

This is an electrically charged, Dalai Lama, Grand-Water-Trine infused Full Moon.

What a great night to call in this new cycle. Get yourself into some water if you can, to commune with the Moon and to set your intentions for the year.

The Sea Goat

by Will Palmer

The Cancer-Capricorn axis is about being tender and being brave.

Capricorn, the Sea-Goat is the protector, the mentor, and Cancer, the Crab is the mentored, the protected. With Cancer there is an evolutionary goal to be soft, to feel, to fully process the emotions that are generated by life's experiences.

On the other hand Capricorn says, "Alright, no time to indulge any further, we have duties and responsibilities to attend to. Be brave and wipe away your tears, it's time to be strong and do what needs to be done."

Sometimes we are the protecting parent and sometimes we are the tender child.

A full Moon in Cancer trine Neptune and

Mars + Jupiter in Scorpio, opposite Pluto gets all the emotions out in full force. A rising tide raises all ships, and really allowing your emotions to flow and your feelings to be felt will create greater health for all parts of your life.


A Full Moon opposite Venus and Pluto is about relationship processing for maximum relationship health and longevity. From time to time, the pot simply has to be stirred, the boat rocked. Even the best relationships are still made up of two people with their own individual inner worlds and destinies. If one is growing and the other is not then gaps can appear and if they are not spanned, the relationship will get weaker and perhaps eventually end. This Full Moon/New Year's Day is an electric shock of wakefulness into the heart of relationships.

Photo by ivaluesafety

Don't go to sleep, check out, and let the relationship become increasingly deadening and deadened. Take the risks and go deep. If used well there is greater health on the other side of such medicine moons. Create a safe space and clear any 'witholdings of truth' to allow a better and more holistic flow between you. This can be love relationships but also parents and children of any age. Clear out the obstructions to flow, and let the divine in.

Happy 2018! May the new year bring joy and growth, contentedness and wakefulness.

With Love and Light,

Paetra Tauchert, Astrologer

Start the New Year off with a reading to get a sense of the terrain ahead and handle it like a boss.


*--- Artist Unkown
