The Lucid Aquarian New Moon Eclipse

Patagonia by Francisca Orellana

On February 15, 2018 at 1:05pm Pacific time, comes the new MOON partial solar eclipse at 27 degrees AQUARIUS. The Sabian Symbol is: A tree felled and sawed to ensure a supply of wood for the winter.

Art by Firewood for life

With MERCURY, and asteroids JUNO and HYGIEIA closely flanking the partially eclipsing SUN and MOON our guidance for this New MOON is to apply our intellectual body in order to gather the resources we will need for what is coming.

We need to be able to apply our mind to progressively improving our physical health and the health of our partnerships. Coming the day after Valentine's Day, it feels apropos. This is a medicine MOON (AQUARIUS stellium squaring JUPITER in SCORPIO) that is here to heal and harmonize our higher minds with our lower chakras. As above, so below.

JUPITER is a third of the way through its journey through SCORPIO, and has indeed been elucidating any place that has cracks, or a weak foundation. SATURN is almost 2 months along its CAPRICORN road and it also is seeking weak foundations on any level. These two, combined with the ongoing decade (and counting) of PLUTO in CAPRICORN are synergistic, all want deep and powerful healing after finding the spots of decay and rot.

Once the purge is out of the way, then the renewing waters of AQUARIUS aka the STAR CARD in tarot come in. This New MOON is one of those waves of healing, after a particularly big purge. Let it have you, you've earned it.

The Stars, Maxfield Parrish 1926

"It" is the healing, soothing, cooling waters of the calm after the storm.

In the Motherpeace Tarot book, Vicki Noble says that the Star Card

"prepares one for initiation".

We are nearing the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere/Autumnal Equinox in the South, also known as the Aries Ingress and arguably the most intense degree of the zodiac. It's the Pisces/Aries gateway of 'Before Incarnation'/'Incarnation' and it begins the zodiacal journey anew.

2018 feels like its shaping up to be a big year and if this New MOON

Solar Eclipse wants to prepare us for initiation, I say "Thank you, we'll take it!".

Art by Rhads

On this day, do a little spring/fall cleaning of the mind. Take stock of where the winter in the north and the summer in the south has left you. What cobwebs need to be brushed out in this transitional season? Time to drink some nettles tea, sage your house and yourself, take a load of stuff to the thrift store and go for a walk.

With this New MOON we close the emotional portal that is wide open between 2 eclipses. It has been a period of evaluating what came into focus during the super blood Full MOON eclipse and letting go of what is ripe to shed. Now it's the darkest part of the moon heading for new. There is no Full Moon in February due to the blue MOON bookends of January and March, so February is more designated for cleansing and letting go.

Art by Paetra Tauchert

Solar eclipsing SUN & MOON are sextile Uranus at 25 ARIES. This is the final chapter of URANUS in ARIES after 7 years. Anything it needs to make sure we "got" will be conveyed in the next 3 months. ARIES and AQUARIUS together are ninja warriors of the mind, fighting for a higher and just cause. This is fuel for anything you need to tackle in your life. Make some goals and light a fire under them. Go Big! In May the theme changes a great deal so use these next 3 months to fight anything you need to fight, to be a revolutionary where it will serve you best.

Children of the Forest, Elsa Beskow, 1910

Lastly but far from least, I want to mention that VENUS, the planet of love,

beauty and money has entered PISCES, heading for her annual conjunction with NEPTUNE. Now that is one sweet place for VENUS to be. PISCES is the most universally, open-hearted, open-souled sign. They love everyone. It is an impersonal placing, meaning "I love you because I love everyone", but....

What the world needs more than anything right now... Is love.. sweet love....

So we'll take it!

Jackie de Shannon was born with a Libra (VENUS) Neptune (PISCES) conjunct her MOON, making her the perfect emissary for the message. She certainly carries the vibe.

The combination of AQUARIUS and PISCES energies are what we need to awaken folks to their higher potential, and to remind everyone that we are all deeply and irrevocably and beautifully interconnected on a soul level.

Happy New Moon!

With love and sparkles,

Paetra Tauchert, Astrologer

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