The Full Moon of Alignment & Mars Retrograde

Coming to full just after Summer Solstice in the north, Winter Solstice in the south, and a day after Mars turns retrograde, this Strawberry Full Moon is dipped in Saturn.

We have a triple signature of Full Moon in Capricorn, conjunct Capricorn's ruler Saturn who is in Capricorn on June 27 at 9:53pm PDT/6:53 EDT at 6 degrees Cap and trine to the electric awakener Uranus. We are under the effects of a wild stability.

And I'd be remiss in not mentioning that our friend Pluto is not far away,

also in Capricorn,

the distilled wisdom of this combination is below.....

Saturn/Capricorn is all about alignment with the cosmic laws of life,

such as:

As above, so below, as without, so within.

Everything has its pair of opposites and seeks harmony.

Every action has a reaction (karma).

To everything there is a season.

When things are aligned, your life works

These are some of the great truths that underpin our lives. They were in place long before we got here and will remain after we go, and if we are able to align ourselves to them, we will be successful here.

Easier said than done! We want to do the right thing, but have individual natures that include a shadow as part of our 'human package' and sometimes we just need to test fate, to poke the bear... to see if the wisdom of the ages is really all that wise.

We all struggle with trying to do the right thing, it’s part of life.

With this kind of Full Moon, it's a good time to align with our elders. They are the ones who have lived through many cycles, many tunings of the Great Wheel of the Year. They have wisdom that can only be earned through the passage of time. This is a Full Moon to go, find, and talk with your favorite elders and steep in their mastery. They won't be here forever (next stop: ancestors), so take the opportunity to connect while you can. Bring them gifts and sit at their feet and ask them questions about important things they learned from their elders. Be a conscious carrier of the wisdom that is imparted to you, it is a sacred gift. Keep it safe until it's time to share it with someone younger who comes to you for guidance. On and on, and so it goes.

Cherish our beloved elders

The two Sabian Symbols that are connected to this Full Moon-Saturn conjunction are:

Ten logs lie under an archway leading to darker woods.

What inner material are you working on right now? What is it that has you churning? What feels like it's out of whack?

Let's call the cosmic chiropractor so that when...

A veiled prophet speaks, seized by the power of a God....

.... we are able to listen with our deepest selves to her message, to find the gem that we can bring back and apply to our lives for greater peace.

God wants to talk to you, within yourself

Meanwhile, Neptune our planet of visions, dreams, fame, spirit, and debauchery has stationed at 16 degrees of Pisces and will travel retrograde until November 24 of this year.

This tells us that it's time to source the magic from within. Time to talk with God on the inside, which is very in keeping with the oracular message of these 2 Sabian Symbols.

God lives inside of each of us. Go on in and have a chat. They are waiting.

With Mars, Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto all retrograde this summer,

it truly is the summer of retrogrades.

What does the word retrograde mean?

A reverse direction from that of normal, reverting to an earlier condition

(great opportunity for a redux), inversion.

What does it mean that Mars is retrograde?

Mars is our incendiary, combustable planet. In its essence it is the most forcibly, outward directed planet and if anything blocks or impedes it, it's very noticeable. This even if the blockage is just momentary.

The inversion of the Martian energy means that it is now turned inside of ourselves, and we must reckon with it, and help it find its way out in non harmful ways. Tempers may be short for a while. Everyone will be learning to take responsibility for their own fire. If you feel like you are boiling over, find a way to work it out of your body in a physical way. Go for a run or a vigorous walk. If you go for a drive, please be extra careful, tempers flaring behind the wheel are dangerous. This is a very powerful and volatile time. There is a lot of potential for growth but breakups are as likely as breakthroughs with this mix. Strategy is necessary.

Mars wants to separate, it fears losing itself in another, so the Mars (Aquarius) Venus (Leo) opposition on the karmic Nodal Axis, squaring Jupiter, is fuel for potential ruptures. There is a lot of tension, and this retrograde is long (9 weeks). If things do reach a breaking point, there is a great opportunity to rewire and restructure, but each person has to do their own work. What is not working anymore? Be humble, look within and assess. Where do you need to cut away old weight and freight? It's time to lighten your load in the interest of being less combustible, and more streamlined and more easily able to reset whatever needs it.

It is retrograding in the sign of Aquarius (back to late Cap) and although we have a Mars retrograde every couple of years or so, we have not had a Mars in Aquarius retrograde since 1971. Whoa!

This will be an extra big deal for anyone born May-November of 1971, and anyone who has natal Mars in Aquarius, any personal planets in Aquarius, as well as any planets in the first 10 degrees of fixed signs. The effects of this transit are greatly amplified by Mars being on the South Node of past karma. We are under the effects of this transit until mid-September so if you're concerned about how it will show up in your chart/life then schedule a reading.

Aquarius is a mental, air sign. It is masculine and positive. It is all about the higher mind and true freedom. It holds a revolutionary position. This summer, there is an internal revolution. It's time to clean our own mental house. What old stories are holding you back? If you're ready to embrace this transit in a positive and useful way, check out 'the Work' by Bryon Katie. She is a teacher and healer with some very useful tools that could be applied during this transit.

What happened on Summer Solstice in the north (winter in south) is that the Sun moved into the emotional, cardinal, water sign of Cancer.

Cancer holds the archetype of children, mothers, family, home and safety. With all of the cruel politicking, my prayer is that all children be reunited with their parents, may all children everywhere be protected, loved, and blessed by the Strawberry Moon.

Happy Full Moon...

Astrology can be used to find new and improved alignment in your life. Book a reading!

Paetra Tauchert, Astrologer

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1. Matthew Lawrence on pintrest

2. Moon in clouds, 1899, Hanging Scroll, the Feinberg Collection

3. amnh on instagram

4. Meme artist unknown

5. Marc Ferrante

6. Saskia Boelsums

7. Ao Naga woman, Chuchuyimlang, India, Walter Callens

8. Georges Clairin, 1899

9. Jean Delville, 1890

10. artist unknown

11. Marie Clare, 1971

12. from Billsafi on instagram

13. from Mark Taylor on fb

14.Still from Wizard of Oz, 1939

#Astrology #EvolutionaryAstrology #FullMooninCapricorn2018 #Alignment #Marsretrograde #MarsinAquarius
