2019 Opens into Eclipse Season

Happy New Year, Friends!

Many blessings and well wishes for health and wealth and happiness in this coming trip around the SUN.

I am updating and upgrading things a bit.

-There will soon be an audio link with each forecast; allowing for optional modes for learning about the monthly astro-weather.

Coming soon: Astro-videos podcasts.

-My radio show archives can be accessed here: ASTROSCAPE on KOWS.FM

Each one is an hour long and includes the current astro story, and a look at the artists of great, astro-themed-music through the astrological lens.

I intend to inform and delight.

Although each one is tailored to the week it is made, they hold up well.

Astro-education is an ongoing spiral anyway.

-I am becoming more active on social media with frequent, short updates,

If you are on Facebook or Instagram, you can follow me there.

2019 is going to be a big year, shown by the kick off with an elegant,

daring, and dark SCORPIO MOON

alongside morning star VENUS,

plus SATURN with the SUN.

In contemplating the end of the old year and the dawn of the new, what is your relationship to ethics, desire, responsibility, and power? There was much burning of the dross around these themes in the last part of 2018, The VENUS in SCORPIO/LIBRA retrograde was meant to be a deep relationship reset. As we newly engage in 2019, put the results of your hard work to good use.

On Jan 7 VENUS will finally leave SCORPIO and join her giant buddy, JUPITER in lucky, charismatic SAGITTARIUS for the rest of January. This is an excellent, expansive, offset to the heavy seriousness of the current CAPRICORN stellium.

In the birth chart of 2019, SATURN (CAPRICORN'S ruler) is Cazimi (in the heart of) the SUN. This dignifies and empowers SATURN, the dominant player on the stage this year and next, teaching us that in all ways, what we reap is what we sow. The mega CAPRICORN stellium will continue through much of the next 2 years.

As hard as we are going to be asked to work in the next year (CAPRICORN), it's also essential for us to remember to play and have fun. The NORTH NODE in CANCER says to grow we must learn to see the world through the magical eyes of a child, while also functioning as strong, healthy adults.

Blade Runner was set in the far off future of 2019, back in 1982. This year we see URANUS settle into TAURUS until 2025, and that is undoubtedly going to be an active agent, ushering in the next wave of sci-fi into our world. Ready or not, here it comes.

MARS entered ARIES on New Year's Eve on the west coast, giving us about as much of a rocket booster into 2019 as anyone could want. After the last month and a half in watery PISCES, he was ready to shake it all off like a wet dog, and get back to the business of confidently kicking ass, which the God of War is happiest to do. The return to fire is welcomed, though it may singe with its newly reborn force. The polarity point of ARIES is always found by striving for the balance and moderation that LIBRA teaches. He will be in ARIES, fortifying all of our endeavors with gumption, until Valentine's Day.

URANUS stations direct at 28 ARIES on Jan 6, less than 24 hrs after the New MOON. Everything is shifting again in a big way, setting the stage for the first part of 2019. URANUS stations can show up as erratic, electric, energy. It's the changemaker/trickster/awakener in a fire sign, and it's beaming down extra strong for the entire month. You can feed this Astro-God by doing your part for the revolution.

MARS is at home in ARIES,

JUPITER is home in SAG,



This is a solid line-up to begin our new year, and with this we can be optimistic, grounded, spiritual warriors, fighting for what we believe in.

And now, ECLIPSE SEASON again. Every 6 months we have a series of eclipses, solar and lunar, sometimes 2 together, sometimes 3. They are determined by the Nodes of the MOON (also called Head and Tail of the Dragon), and they have entered CANCER/CAPRICORN. We will have one last LEO/AQUARIUS eclipse at our January Full MOON, then we are all CANCER/CAP until 2020.

This New MOON falls on January 5, at 5:28 pm PST. The MOON and the SUN are at 15 degrees CAPRICORN and are flanked by their henchmen, PLUTO and SATURN. The solar eclipse is partial and starts at sunrise in Asia, traveling eastward, and ends at sunset in the Alaskan Aleutian Islands.

This New MOON solar eclipse takes place on the South Node, or Dragon's Tail. Traditional astrology tells us that by virtue of this, there is something we are letting go of now.

It's in the sign of CAPRICORN, so we know that the themes are stones, bones, mountains: the embodied energy of strong building materials that have been built into empire on many levels, over many years.

The change of the year is like moving into a new house; you let go of a bunch of stuff and only bring what you think you'll need. But once you arrive, there is another wave of evaluation and shedding when you realize what you don't need to thrive.

That is the work to do with this New MOON and the Full MOON as well. This lunar cycle asks you to identify that which is literally holding you back, and to let it go. Tackle a closet or two.

I am calling this the Year of Feng Shui. Feng Shui is the ancient oriental art of enhancing and harmonizing the flow of energy in your surroundings. It's time to do this on every level of your life; energetically, emotionally, literally, and metaphorically. This is one the secrets to success over the next 24 months. Alignment = harmony. This is the goal.

Finally, I must mention the tri-fold JUPITER square NEPTUNE aspect of the year, the first one happening on January 13.

We've talked a bunch about the JUPITER/SAG NEPTUNE/PISCES combo, but a simple recap is:

JUPE/SAG is using the personalized ego to expand outward and go forward, finding and creating truth out of spiritual beliefs.

NEPTUNE/PISCES is impersonal and passive, and letting go of ego attachments.

The evolutionary lesson of this time is about aligning our beliefs with truth vs. wishful thinking. It's not about what we want, it's about using faith, and the creative spirit to get to the truth as it is, not as we want it to be.

This transit connects us to our existential quest to understand the purpose of life.

2019 forecasts are here! Schedule a reading to find out

what your own astro-clock is telling you to focus on for this year PaetraTauchertAstrology.com

Subscribe Here & Happy New Year!!!,

Paetra Tauchert, Astrologer


Labohemehouseofthewishingtrees on IG

Nikolai Dubovski, 1890, Quiet

Mind over Matters on FB

De broceliande de Avalon on FB

Ludwig Fahrenkrog, 1920

Hazel Frazee, c 1920

Blade Runner poster art, 1982

Nötr on FB

Gothwik on IG

Lennart Nilsson

Annie Jane Photography

From elsaelsa.com


Leila Bustamante

Mystical knot of longevity and health, sign good luck Feng Shui
