Eclipse of the Thunder Moon

And here we have part two, the FULL THUNDER CAPRICORN MOON eclipse conjunct SATURN and PLUTO. It doesn't get much heavier than this. This is the kind of astrology that makes diamonds out of coal, but this eclipse emphasizes the compressing of coal. We haven't quite reached the crystalline AQUARIAN diamond phase, though that is what we are working towards.

This is where we burn off the dross. 


I have been thinking a lot on the CANCER CAPRICORN axis lately, as almost everyone is at the party. Only JUPITER and URANUS aren't in direct conversation. 

The line-up on the CANCER side: VENUS RAHU SUN MERCURY MARS.


As we witness the ongoing schism of society in the United States,

it's useful to contemplate its natal chart (July 4, 1776).

The US was born with SUN, MERCURY retro, JUPITER, VENUS all in CANCER, with natal PLUTO at 27 CAPRICORN opp MERCURY. We are rapidly (in a very slow Plutonian sort of way) approaching the US's first PLUTO return, activating the opposition with MERCURY.

This is a big deal.

All we need to do is look around and see that we are in a roiling cookpot of upheaval. The Right/Left schism can be seen in this CAP CANCER axis.

CANCER allies with the ideals of the Left: to care for the dispossessed and to protect and nurture all of life.

The Right can be seen (at its best) allied with the ideal of CAPRICORN; 

understanding that we need to have strong, healthy, business structures and economies, as another way of protecting life.

But no matter how good the original intentions, anything that goes too far in any one direction becomes an imbalance, and I think there are clear examples at this point of both sides going out of balance. 

It's like the archetypal mom and the archetypal dad arguing that what they each bring to, and do for, the family is superior to the other.

We actually need both, and life thrives in the working balance. 

If we don't start to overcome our differences and begin to work together to find  solutions to heal our planet and species and culture, then we are lost.

Neither side has the complete truth, we need each other. 

We are now 6 months out from the January 2020 conjunction that will bring all of these themes to a head. Stay tuned. 

The NORTH NODE in CANCER tells us that the guiding light right now is to follow the feminine, nurturing instinct, and to care for life in a personal way.

It's the sign of mothers and children, of breasts filled with milk for the life growing inside of wombs. The children are always our future. Always. And they are always vulnerable and in need of protection of guidance.

The role of SOUTH NODE in CAPRICORN is to let go of dysfunctional structures that threaten the health and wellbeing of families of all species. The inner workings of CANCER, all of that softness, needs the strong exoskeleton of CAPRICORN. Let's visualize the two sides working together for the sake of all of the planet's children. The recent arrest of Jeffrey Esptein is in accord with this arc of evolution. 

This LUNAR ECLIPSE falls on July 16th, 2019 from 11:43am - 5:17pm PDT. The SOUTH NODE is at 24 CAPRICORN with the FULL MOON, conjunct SATURN and PLUTO. This is some heavy shit. Literally. Wherever this falls in your chart (I am doing Eclipse Short Readings if you don't know),

you are being asked to majorly let something go, to take a massive dump. This is about as strong of a message in that direction as is possible. PLUTO says cook it down to raw material, the SOUTH NODE says let it go, and SATURN says restructure. The fact that all of these are in the sign of CAPRICORN, the sign of big business and government is hard to misinterpret. The old way is crumbling as it needs to, all in order to make space for the new growth that the CANCER NORTH NODE is asking for.

MERCURY is now fully retrograding, and about to move back into the CANCER line-up, because clearly there is more to say about this contentious pattern in the heavens. MERCURY is always filled up with the messages of whom he contacts, and he is close to MARS, so there is fire in his speech. 

The square with URANUS adds drama and resistance.

This is an, "I Won't Back Down", kind of energy. 

NEPTUNE in PISCES is sending soothing, cooling, mists to both sides of the axis. If you are feeling worked up with this eclipse, take a bath, or go to the ocean, or any body of water you favor. It will help. Honestly, this eclipse is just to be gotten through. It isn't visible in North America but we'll still feel it.

If you want a way to mitigate the effects of this eclipse, here is a great article by Sphere + Sundry that talks all about it. 


Here is a link to a Ketu chant to alleviate any malefic effects of this eclipse

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Paetra Tauchert, Astrologer

To listen to most recent Cancerian-artist-themed radio show, click here. 


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#LunarEclipse #SolarEclipse #ThunderMoon #BuckMoon #PaetraTauchertAstrology #CancerCapricornNodes
