March Hare Horoscopes & Saturn into Aquarius

Welcome to March, a month of much change.

In the northern hemisphere, we are approaching the vernal equinox, in the south, the autumnal. This is caused by the Earth's tilt on its axis and orbital motion. The Equinoxes are where the day and night meet and greet, briefly as equals.

In the north, we have been journeying since the winter solstice's darkest night, gaining a bit of light each day, until this equinoctial point where the deep bow between night and day then sees the day gaining the upper hand, and not peaking until Summer Solstice. The reverse is true in the south.

March 19 will bring the earliest Aries Ingress in 124 years.

*Scroll down for Horoscopes by Sign:*

But we're getting a bit ahead of ourselves as there is much to pass before this point. We have been swimming backward in a very wet and non-linear, Dr. Seuss-style (a Pisces of course) MERCURY retrograde, since February 16. MERCURY retrogrades are always medicine journeys, designed to help us grow in ways described by the sign in which the retrograde takes place. MERCURY is considered to be in detriment in PISCES as this is the sign opposing the position where he takes his greatest exaltation, in VIRGO. MERCURY delights in being able to clearly, and somewhat myopically take gathered data, assess it, categorize it, and analyze it for highest functionality and efficiency.

MERCURY in PISCES is much more akin to eating magic mushrooms and falling down the rabbit hole, where nothing is quite what it seems. Inconvenient, yes, but can you not see the virtues and necessity of the nightly dreamworld?

This retrograde has been like dreaming while awake. If you can surrender (a word that PISCES loves) to the flow, it can be quite productive in terms of healing the split between mind and spirit, or the Apollonian and Dionysian parts of life and self.

This one has a twist though because on March 4, MERCURY moves back so far that he reenters AQUARIUS for 11 days. This is quite a sudden shift in tone, akin to being at a super dreamy party with low light and altered states, where suddenly someone turns on the harsh fluorescent lights. The effect is sudden and drastic. Bye Bye dream state, now it's time to return to the clear and crystalline futuristic thinking of AQUA. This date connects us back to February 10, when MERCURY was last here. There may be some links between now and then.

This appears to be a portal opening, to help us calibrate to the most significant thing happening this month, which is SATURN making his initiatory steps into AQUARIUS, a place he hasn't been since 1993. SATURN has two traditional domiciles, CAPRICORN and AQUARIUS. He is dignified and powerful in both signs, so we are in a long run of SATURN being capable of achieving his goals.

We know that SATURN has been part of a heavy team in CAPRICORN, and we are collectively reeling from the effects of the SATURN PLUTO conjunction of JANUARY (though most of 2019 saw them traveling very closely). SATURN in CAP is focused on laws and regulations and governmental activity within the city walls, while SATURN in AQUARIUS focuses on the same, but from the perspective of an outsider bent on progressive reform and change that will better support humanity.

The other shift that occurs on the same day as SATURN entering AQUA is VENUS leaving ARIES a place in which she is relatively uncomfortable (especially with the last couple of weeks of squares to PLUTO and SATURN). Now she enters her cozy domicile of TAURUS, the sign of fixed earth. Our lady of love, pleasure, satisfaction, and resources is powerful and capable of connecting and generating in TAURUS. She knows that self-care and filling her own cup is a secret to successful relationships, and as well she doesn't mind being on her own, as she can feel pleasure in connection to nature via her five senses.

While VENUS is in TAURUS, we benefit from taking long soaks in hot water, from picnics with chocolate-covered strawberries, from warm oil massages, from making art and music, and from cuddling with pets. Love and pleasure are less complicated through the eyes of TAURUS. This annual passage always happens around the spring in the north, where astrology was created; thus the bursting forth of new life that springtime brings is always linked to VENUS in TAURUS.

The above description is pure VENUS in TAURUS, but what we must also take into account for the next six years, is that any planet traveling through TAURUS will at some point encounter URANUS, the trickster awakener change god. URANUS is currently at 3 degrees of TAURUS, so they meet up right away. Their actual conjunction takes place on the 7th/8th of March, linking this right into the SUN making his annual conjunction to NEPTUNE, god of dreams, visions, and primal nature. This also happens on March 8th, just as MERCURY in AQUARIUS stations at 28 degrees, to turn direct.

As always, you are cautioned to not consider the day of direct as the green light to make big decisions and purchases or sign contracts, rather wait out the planet's extra slow motion at the station degree and make your move after March 15. The SUN NEPTUNE conjunction extra underscores this. Instead, I suggest watching one of the many delightful versions of Alice in Wonderland on March 8th, or 9th, under the light of the Full MOON.

March 9 is the Full MOON in VIRGO, obviously happening while the SUN is still conjunct NEPTUNE. This, along with MERCURY in AQUA, gives us another note of sobriety, contrasting the PISCES and NEPTUNE energy. As of this writing, the coronavirus speculation is on the rise, without a great deal of bottom-line clarity. A spreading pandemic has all the hallmarks of NEPTUNE, who legendarily knows no bounds, and VIRGO is the natural antidote to this chaos. VIRGO knows that we need to meet God halfway and do the work to stay healthy and keep things clean. There has been a lot of talk of handwashing and sanitizers in the last couple of weeks. I can only hope that the VIRGO Full MOON will bring some lucid understanding of what we are really up against, and how to manage our daily lives in the midst of it all.

The final big moves of the month are from MARS, who spends most of MARCH (named for MARS) in his sign of exaltation in CAP. This makes him more likely to be helpful vs harmful, especially for folks born during the night. On the 19th, the day of the Equinox, as the SUN moves into ARIES, his sign of exaltation, his ruler MARS joins with JUPITER at 22 CAP. This is only 2 degrees away from PLUTO, and creates a whole stellium in late CAP, including SATURN at 29 until he leaves for AQUA. This lineup, on the ARIES INGRESS, in the first year of a new decade, during an election year in the US, is very pin-pointed and intense in its focus on big business, banking, government, and infrastructure. This is, and has been the on-going theme, but with MARS here things get hot, so look for some global action at this equinox point. JUPITER and PLUTO together can signify BIG money, so perhaps this will be some quakes in the economy that has already been roiling this month.

March Horoscopes by sign:

Read your ASCENDANT sign first,

then SUN sign second if you were born during the day,

and your MOON sign second, if you were born at night.


This is a big month for you ARIES folk: you get most of the month with your ruler in exaltation, and at equinox, the day the SUN moves into your SUN, he conjuncts JUPITER the planet of good fortune and bonanza. As it's in CAP, we know that this means that the uck is available though the gateway of hard work. The proximity to PLUTO also tells us that this is a big time of letting go of old ways that you used to work hard, that were appropriate to you then, but no longer are serving you. Time to make a bonfire of old wood, and use its bright light to see the new way, the new path that this new year is bringing. There is still a lot of dreamwork and messages from the other side that want to find you now, so try keeping a dream journal this month. There may be some unexpected windfalls in the resource department this month, especially around the Full MOON. SATURN has been kicking your butt in your house of vocation and career for the last 2 years, especially if you were born at night, but with his movement into AQUA on the equinox, you will get a few months taste of freedom from this pressure, and an intro into what the next 2 years will bring with SATURN in your house of peer groups and friends. It's likely that there will be some culling in this department, as anyone who isn't true blue and aligned with your visions for the world, won't make the cut.


On March 5th, you get a much-needed boost from VENUS, your ruling planet, returning to your sign. This is all kinds of good with associated benefits and good warm fuzzy feelings. Yet in this era, we must also factor in the wild card energy associated with URANUS co-present in your sign. VENUS is the planet that connects and helps you attract to yourself what you need, as well as who and how you love. URANUS adds the unexpected, the unusual, and the eccentric. Be prepared to be surprised.

This is the month that you get a taste of what SATURN moving into your 10th house of career will feel like, after 2 years in your 9th house of higher education, travel, and the search for meaning. The 10th is an angular house and this transit will be influential in shaping and forming a new vision for your vocation, that will require some adjustments to your foundation in this part of your life.


There has been some nebulousness is your career life that gets a burst of clarity starting around the 5th. You benefit immensely from taking some time away from your busy social schedule and planning some solo respite time. A meditation retreat could be quite lovely. You want to take time out and recharge so that you don't get sick. There has been an ongoing focus on shared resources, creating some stress in your life, which not be completely alleviated, but this month sees a lightening of that load after the equinox. There may be the clearing of some resources that have been tied up in red tape. The next few months give you a taste of what SATURN in AQUARIUS will mean for you over the next 2 and a half years, with an emphasis in serious focus shifting now to higher education and your place in the world. The Full MOON on the 8th of March brings focus into your home and you benefit immensely from a deep clean and organization. It will help you think more clearly and benefit your career life as well.


Early this month you are advised to take advantage of any chances to gather with your community of like minded others. VENUS and URANUS in TAURUS signify the very real possibilities of new connections and opportunities that may take you by surprise in their tone. The equinox brings a much welcomed shift of weight out of your partnership sector. The last 2 years have been heavy with work and stress, with a need to evaluate and recalibrate the foundations of your one on one relationships. Although there will be one last pass, now through July gives you a taste of freedom and the ability to appreciate the work done, while feeling ease in these parts of your life. This is significant, and MARS also leaving your 7th house at the end of the month is an added boon. Until then, MARS may cause friction in your relationships, so find a productive way to blow off steam and not take it out on each other.


The month kicks off with a boon in your house of career; perhaps an unexpected opportunity appears that is lucrative. The murkiness of the Mercury retrograde has been impacting your house of shared resources, and MERCURY's journey out of PISCES and back into AQUARIUS helps grant some clarity thereafter March 4. Communication becomes easier by several measures, but look to the station direct on March 8 (clear of station degree on 14th) for any ambiguity to fully evaporate. The Full MOON of the 8th lights up the sexual/money houses and you may want to use the energy and light of the MOON to organize your finances. Your health sector has been stressed for the last couple of years and from the Equinox point until July, SATURN will instead bringing a new focus and scrutiny to the foundation of your one on one relationships. It's time to begin to work on the alignment in this part of your life. MARS joins SATURN in your relationship house at the end of the month, it may be an excellent time to find a helpful therapist to get ahead of the curve here, and help this transit be productive.


This is your Full MOON this month VIRGO, on the 9th; your annual emotional boost fueling your soul's journey here on earth. Use it to check in with yourself and see that you are on your right path, and aren't being overly accommodating to anyone else at the cost of your own needs to stay healthy and grounded. Since long distance travel doesn't seem to be the best idea right now, perhaps use this VENUS conjunct URANUS in your 9th house in a way that boosts some sort of specialized education, and adds another feather in your cap. SATURN takes a break from your 5th house starting on the equinox, and starts to focus its gaze into your 6th house. This is a good time to schedule a preventative dentist appointment.


Your ruling planet enters her other domicile, in your 8th house of shared resources on March 5th. This signifies a blessing in this part of your life, and URANUS shows that there could be some surprises. This MERCURY retrograde has been in your health sector, encouraging you to work extra hard to stay healthy. The equinox shift of SATURN into AQUARIUS puts SATURN's conservative and limiting vibe into your 5th house of creativity and children, for the first time since 1993. It's time to get serious about your art. MARS joining SATURN there at the end of March gives you a serious, marital effort to making sure you're expressing yourself. It may be harder to access this part of yourself while SATURN is there for the next couple of years, so you can prepare yourself now by signing up for a class in some style of art that you have always wanted to learn. SATURN loves a structured environment.


OK SCORPIO, URANUS is already parked in your 7th house of partnerships for the next 6 years, insisting that you upgrade this part of your life and ensuring that more eccentric than your average bear types will show up as close friends or as partners, but with VENUS there to personalize this, you betta watch out. Here comes someone freaky, in a good way. SATURN will give you a few months of a preview of what he'll be up to in AQUARIUS, in your 4th house. Spoiler alert: it's time to upgrade your house in some technologically advanced ways so that it all is safer and works better.


The contraction of your finances for the last couple of years, have had the greater purpose of shoring up your ability to earn, and deepening your roots. As of equinox, you will get a few months break from that feeling of limitation, and get a taste of just having your ruling planet there, bringing blessings and expansions (as long as you are working hard). This Full MOON on March 9 takes place in your career house, giving you a boost of juice in that part of your life. The VENUS URANUS conjunction says that your health will benefit from some combination of pleasurable and edgy treatment this month, such as going into a cryogenic chamber.


Oh CAP, you deserve a medal for all the hard work you've done in the last couple of years. Its not done yet, but you do get a needed rest when SATURN steps out of your first house of identity and self starting on equinox, for a few months. JUPITER is also in your sign all year, bringing you rewards for your ongoing efforts to scale the lofty peaks. The Full MOON on the 9th is in your 9th house of journeys and higher education. What is it you are wanting to manifest in this department? This is the Full MOON of the year to juice up this goal. VENUS and URANUS are conjunct in TAURUS, the sign of body, in your house of pleasure. CAPs aren't so well known for their hedonism as they are for their hardworking austerity, but its a legit part of your makeup. The time is now to indulge. Get your kink on this month!


This is a big month for you AQUARIUS, SATURN will enter your sign for the first time since 1993. SATURN is always all about tightening up the ship, making things work better, taking them to a more functional place. This is generally done by pointing out where the foundation is shoddy, so March 19-July of this year is your first taste of this big shift. Prepare yourself to do some growing up, no matter how old you are. VENUS and URANUS in TAURUS bring some unexpected, possibly weird yet beautiful pleasures into your home. After MERCURY clears its station degree around the 14th, this is a good time to try out some of your weirder decor ideas. With this transit, you have some good juju in the decor department, but the weirder the better.


PISCES! You're the only one that this MERCURY retro hasn't been hard for, as its your normal mutable swirling and swishing way, and isn't uncomfortable or foreign. Thought the retreat of MERCURY back into AQUARIUS on the 4th may have felt strange. The Full MOON on the 9th falls in your house of one on one partnerships, bringing health and perspective to this part of your life. The VENUS URANUS conjunction in TAURUS will spend most of the month creating strange beauty and connections in your local stomping grounds, your regular rounds may produce some extra delight. SATURN will leave your house of peers and community and dip its toes into the house where your focus will be on solving problems of mind and spirit.

Many blessings to you and yours in this equinoctial month!

Paetra Tauchert, Astrologer

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5% discount for PISCES and ARIES this month (please include in notes)

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