A Rare Week of Grace in the Heavens 🕯️

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After so many waves of rough astrology since early October, I am happy to report about a rare week of grace. Pisces season is a chance to reset in a soft way, after the rigors of the year and the alignments this week give us an extra place to restore. On Wednesday we have a Cazimi, reboot of the synodic cycle with the Sun Mercury and Saturn which is a big, old fashioned blessing, especially with Jupiter in sextiled support. This is a good week for big prayers and intention setting. It has this kind of energy: 

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms.”

Henry David Thoreau


Monday February 26

We begin the week with 4 distinct sets in the heavens:

The Pisces team: Sun Mercury Saturn all vibing extra Jupiter energy down on us, helping us to find optimism and coherence.

The Aquarius team: Pluto Venus Mars, Pluto and Mars, requiring serious thinking and conversing.      The Aries team: Chiron Rahu are linked into the exaltation of the springtime

Sun, & the Taurus team: Uranus and Jupiter are wanting us to talk about our relationships, in the hope of wholesome upgrades. These are timely and helpful additions to our lives this week. 

The Libra Moon trine Pluto agrees that relationships need some good communication and dedicated time this week. 

Tuesday February 27 

The Moon winds around & passes over her south node once a month and that’s today, bringing home a reminder that there is ebb and flow in life and relationships and this is a year of shedding the old gunk that has been gumming up our partnerships. 

She simultaneously opposes Chiron & her North Node, which also reminds us to lean mightily into the direction of sovereignty. 


Wednesday February 28

Sun Mercury Saturn Cazimi! Sextile Jupiter. Just incredible Astro weather, in an era of many Astro storms I am so happy to report this truly beautiful alignment between our vital energy, our perception, and our biggest work that lies ahead. The great softening that Pisces always brings is brought into an unusual focus this week and we are infused with a dram of Jupiter potion that will greatly assist us in the days ahead. So drink deep and reach into your dreams, extend yourself into prayer, and set your intentions, from your heart.  

I feel like Pluto in Aqua says it’s time to level up, Aquarius being a sign known for its speed… so the rest of the heavens are game to support us. The only way out is through, people, so we might as well give ourselves fully to the Great Awakening of Heart & Mind, together which will help us get our whole souls inside of our bodies (not the modern world state of things normally). 


Thursday February 29 

LEEEEEEAPDAAAYYY! It comes but once every 7 years, making today a time in-between time, (of course it would be in Pisces season) 

Today the Scorpio Moon trines all the Pisces and things are EMO…Moon square Mars, may bring some peppery moments to the day, but Moon opposite Jupe will amplify, so whatever we are are feeling, the waves are sloshing around inside today..


Friday March 1

As the Scorpio Moon opposes Uranus, you have an opportunity to ground yourself in the face of the electrical, pulsing Uranian frequency that can always threaten to unseat your electrical system. This is like weight training for your nervous system. Use all your tools and techniques today to help you settle down the wild energy of the day so that it doesn’t rattle you. 

The Moon also squares Venus today, in fact there’s a full fixed t square of tension between Scorpio Taurus & Aquarius. This will become very familial territory over the next 20 years, so tune into this rut busting frequency in the early degrees of the fixed signs and let it catalyze you forward into some interesting new territory in your life, as is its purpose. 


Saturday March 2 

The late Scorpio Moon trines Neptune before entering Sag and making a sextile with Pluto giving us a glamouros and mysterious start to the day that gives way to the rock star fun energy of Sag. Saturn in Pisces has made it to the second decan meaning that all ingressing mutable planets get a little breathing room before contacting Saturn.

Venus squares Uranus today, reinforcing some of the ongoing Uranian themes of freedom and individuality in the context of love. This is a potential flashlight for struggling relationships. 


Sunday March 3 

Today the Sag Moon squares the whole Pisces stelllum, creating an extra adventurous and mystical day. The Moon also sextiles Venus & Mars meaning that we are very activated and social and want to play. Find some action and fun today and stretch your legs and wings. 


Monday February 26

Today is a chance to wrest some order from the chaos as the Virgo Moon opposes Neptune, and trines Uranus. The medicine of the Virgo Moon under the Pisces Sun is always to bring some solidity and soundness to the slippery and ethereal Pisces magic. 


Tuesday February 27 

We begin the week with 4 distinct sets in the heavens:

The Pisces team: Sun Mercury Saturn all vibing extra Jupiter energy down on us, helping us to find optimism and coherence.

The Aquarius team: Pluto Venus Mars, Pluto and Mars, requiring serious thinking and conversing.      The Aries team: Chiron Rahu are linked into the exaltation of the springtime

Sun, & the Taurus team: Uranus and Jupiter are wanting us to talk about our relationships, in the hope of wholesome upgrades. These are timely and helpful additions to our lives this week. 

The Libra Moon trine Pluto agrees that relationships need some good communication and dedicated time this week. 


Wednesday February 28

The Moon winds around & passes over her south node once a month and that’s today, bringing home a reminder that there is ebb and flow in life and relationships and this is a year of shedding the old gunk that has been gumming up our partnerships. 

She simultaneously opposes Chiron & her North Node, which also reminds us to lean mightily into the direction of sovereignty. 


Thursday February 29 

LEEEEEEAPDAAAYYY! It comes but once every 7 years, making today a time in-between time, (of course it would be in Pisces season) 

Sun Mercury Saturn Cazimi! Sextile Jupiter. Just incredible Astro weather, in an era of many Astro storms I am so happy to report this truly beautiful alignment between our vital energy, our perception, and our biggest work that lies ahead. The great softening that Pisces always brings is brought into an unusual focus this week and we are infused with a dram of Jupiter potion that will greatly assist us in the days ahead. So drink deep and reach into your dreams, extend yourself into prayer, and set your intentions, from your heart.  

I feel like Pluto in Aqua says it’s time to level up, Aquarius being a sign known for its speed… so the rest of the heavens are game to support us. The only way out is through, people, so we might as well give ourselves fully to the Great Awakening of Heart & Mind, together which will help us get our whole souls inside of our bodies (not the modern world state of things normally). 


Friday March 1

Today the Scorpio Moon trines all the Pisces and things are EMO…Moon square Mars, may bring some peppery moments to the day, but Moon opposite Jupe will amplify, so whatever we are are feeling, the waves are sloshing around inside today..


Saturday March 2 

As the Scorpio Moon opposes Uranus, you have an opportunity to ground yourself in the face of the electrical, pulsing Uranian frequency that can always threaten to unseat your electrical system. This is like weight training for your nervous system. Use all your tools and techniques today to help you settle down the wild energy of the day so that it doesn’t rattle you. 

The Moon also squares Venus today, in fact there’s a full fixed t square of tension between Scorpio Taurus & Aquarius. This will become very familial territory over the next 20 years, so tune into this rut busting frequency in the early degrees of the fixed signs and let it catalyze you forward into some interesting new territory in your life, as is its purpose. 


Sunday March 3 

The late Scorpio Moon trines Neptune before entering Sag and making a sextile with Pluto giving us a glamouros and mysterious start to the day that gives way to the rock star fun energy of Sag. Saturn in Pisces has made it to the second decan meaning that all ingressing mutable planets get a little breathing room before contacting Saturn.

Venus squares Uranus today, reinforcing some of the ongoing Uranian themes of freedom and individuality in the context of love. This is a potential flashlight for struggling relationships.
