A Week of Acceleration: Eclipse & Rx

Eclipse & Retrograde Seasons Intertwine

(S hemisphere below)

This is a big week. Eclipse season is here and we begin our second Mercury retrograde of the year, dovetailing with the Sun entering Venus ruled Taurus.

Eclipse seasons are accelerations and bring us into contact with deep space/soul material.
This eclipse is a Jupiter flavored/North Node eclipse, at the end of Aries, square Pluto.
This is the launch of Pluto in Aquarius. Thank the gods that Jupiter is involved, since as the Great Benefic, he is there to protect and to help. We are nearing the end of the Taurus Scorpio nodal cycle, preparing for the Aries Libra cycle which will start in July.

Significantly both of these axes are ruled by Mars & Venus, the planets of man, woman, love, war, & money. We are all facing uncertainty, existential anxiety, and confusion in these definitive themes.
This eclipse is at the last degree of Aries, the sign of war as the theaters of war grow deeper.

“We must find an alternative to war and bloodshed. Anyone who feels, (and there are still a lot of people who feel that way,) that war can solve the social problems facing mankind is sleeping through a great revolution. President Kennedy said on one occasion, "Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind." The world must hear this. I pray to God that America will hear this before it is too late, because today we’re fighting a war.”
-Martin Luther King Jr. born with his natal Jupiter at the midpoint of this solar eclipse.

In the 60’s & 70’s the terms of war were clear and people took to the streets and made powerful, heartfelt music to protest the killing.

In these very different times, the fourth-generation warfare being used makes it less clear who is doing what to whom, and if/how they’re doing it.

We live in the golden age of propaganda where conflict is characterized by a blurring of the lines between war and politics, combatants and civilians.

Pluto at the bending of this eclipse acts like the crack of a whip initiating this grand phase of learning that we are all here for.
Aquarius is the archetype of visionary intelligence, but is also cold and unpredictable. AI is a real danger, I recommend going the other direction. It’s going to happen fast, this next stage where all of a sudden tech, in the form of robots taking lots of jobs and then transhumanism… will suddenly be everywhere you turn. Stay connected to your humanity and to each other. That’s part of the medicine of Mars & Venus ruled nodes… stay in your heart, your passion, your love… that’s where we anchor our humanity and stay human.
Monday April 17
We begin the week with a Dark Pisces Moon conjunct Neptune. This is time to lay super low and conserve your energy and chi. Extra sleeping and hydration is advised with a special focus on listening for dream messages, either sleeping or waking.

Tuesday April 18
We jolt awake today into an Aries Moon sextiling Venus and squaring Mars. This is playful if reactive astrology, on the event horizon of the second New Moon in Aries, this one an eclipse. Take it easy today and don’t overdo it with stimulants.

Wednesday April 19
The Moon crosses from Chiron, to Jupiter, to the Sun…to form a New Moon eclipse at 29° Aries at 9:12pm pacific time. This is an incredibly dynamic eclipse solar that features Pluto at 0° Aquarius squared to the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, and the Nodes. The subplot with this eclipse is Saturn’s conversation with both Nodes and Venus in Gemini.
This is a major relationship eclipse as 7 planets are answering to Mars & Venus, as she is squared by Saturn. Not a great day to work magic, look at the eclipse in person, or start processing with your significant other, but note what comes up today.

Thursday April 20
A warm welcome to Taurus season! This is time to ease off the Aries season gas and plant, grow, & smell some flowers. Taurus is a sensual, carnal sign that can find pleasure in all sort of ways, with another or solo. Taurus teaches us about self-care and self love, as the basis of all love.
The Moon moves into her exaltation in Taurus, and conjuncts Mercury & Uranus. It’s a real relief to move past the eclipse energy, though we are in-between, as the Full Moon in May brings another. Take it super easy today and feed each of your five senses in a way that feels good.

Friday April 21
Woop woop! Mercury turns retrograde today conjunct Uranus. Mercury in Taurus expresses its intelligence through the body; physical or sensual intelligence. Taurus is the sign of springtime, concerned with pleasure, food, possessions & resources.
This retrograde is a good time to slow down, not make any big moves or changes, but think things through solidly. The global financial system is rocking… do you have your head in the sand? Or are you diversifying? This is a good month to look at your emergency food supplies and then add to them. I suggest augmenting your rice, butter, and olive oil stores.

Saturday April 22
It’s a very active day mentally as they Gemini Moon trines Pluto. It’s a fun day to interact with people but they conversations are not likely to be light. This is detective astrology. What can you use it to get to the bottom of today?

Sunday April 23
There is a summery sweetness to the day as the Mercurial Moon joins Venus in Gemini. Get out there and cross-pollinate!

In light of the economic realities of 2023, I am opening my practice to an ongoing sliding scale from $175-150 for full length readings.

Monday April 17
The Pisces Moon squares Venus in Gemini taking us into playful wonderland territory. Don’t be too serious today, use it to blow off steam after a heavy few days.

Tuesday April 18
We begin the week with a Dark Pisces Moon conjunct Neptune. This is time to lay super low and conserve your energy and chi. Extra sleeping and hydration is advised with a special focus on dream messages, either sleeping or waking.

Wednesday April 19
We jolt awake today into an Aries Moon sextiling Venus and squaring Mars. This is playful if reactive astrology, on the event horizon of the second New Moon in Aries, this one an eclipse. Take it easy today and don’t overdo it with stimulants.

Thursday April 20
The Moon crosses from Chiron, to Jupiter, to the Sun…to form a New Moon eclipse at 29° Aries. This is an incredibly dynamic eclipse solar that features Pluto at 0° Aquarius squared to the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, and the Nodes. The subplot with this eclipse is Saturn’s conversation with both Nodes and Venus in Gemini.

This is a major relationship eclipse as 7 planets are answering to Mars & Venus, as she is squared by Saturn. Not a great day to work magic, look at the eclipse in person, or start processing with your significant other, but note what comes up today.

Friday April 21
A warm welcome to Taurus season! This is time to ease off the Aries season gas and plant, grow, & smell some flowers. Taurus is a sensual, carnal sign that can find pleasure in all sort of ways, with another or solo. Taurus teaches us about self-care and self love, as the basis of all love.

The Moon moves into her exaltation in Taurus, and conjuncts Mercury & Uranus. It’s a real relief to move past the eclipse energy, though we are in-between, as the Full Moon in May brings another. Take it super easy today and feed each of your five senses in a way that feels good.

Saturday April 22
Woop woop! Mercury turns retrograde today conjunct Uranus. Mercury in Taurus expresses its intelligence through the body; physical or sensual intelligence. Taurus is the sign of springtime, concerned with pleasure, food, possessions & resources.

This retrograde is a good time to slow down, not make any big moves or changes, but think things through solidly. The global financial system is rocking… do you have your head in the sand? Or are you diversifying? This is a good month to look at your emergency food supplies and then add to them. I suggest augmenting your rice, butter, and olive oil stores.

Sunday April 23
It’s a very active day mentally as they Gemini Moon trines Pluto. It’s a fun day to interact with people but they conversations are not likely to be light. This is detective astrology. What can you use it to get to the bottom of today?
