Earth is a Soul School & We are Here to Learn

Wheel of the Year starts next Sunday!

Whatever this strange year is going to bring, you can be a part of a group that will anchor you into the passage of the sun, into plants as teachers & friends, and in heirloom folk magic.
Not a bad way to spend a day each month.
Class also includes a discussion of current events,
a great way to understand what is happening
in the world through the ever helpful
astrological lens.

From a past student of this class:

“Thank you so very much for your teachings this past year, you're an enormous inspiration, as an artist, herbalist and historian as well as astrologer.”

LB Over

(S hemisphere below)

I don’t know about you guys, but for me Saturn entering Pisces under the Full Moon was an absolute portal to a different world.

Pisces is associated with Wonderland, and as such at the behest of Saturn, old man of the sea, we’re now beginning to climb a new mountain, very different than the “Saturn in Saturn’s signs” territory we have been in since December of 2017.
As Pisces is mutable precious water, a big question for this very significant transit is: How do we cleanse & fortify the earth in a way that she will continue to be a safe steward of her water?

“I hope Saturn in Pisces cleans the earth and everyone remembers water is alive.”
-Aurora Wellise

In our own bodies there are rivers of blood and lymph, there are rivers of emotions.

Pisces is connected to Neptune which is all of life, it’s raw nature, perfect in its ordered chaos. We are but one species on this planet. We act like we are the most important but truth be told, all are equal to the creator. Collectively, we now find ourselves in a dire place with crises in many directions.

Shall I remind us that this is a soul school? And that we come here to learn, evolve & grow, and facing adversity is major fertilizer.

It continues to be an incredibly wet & snowy winter in my home state of California. It feels like surfing the edge of the elements, deeply encountering the places where one element meets another.

Pluto entered Cap in 2008, and Saturn entered Aquarius in 2020. That these two heavyweights both change signs this month is one of those uncanny things we frequently encounter in astrology as we watch the interaction of cycles. I believe Jung named such things Serendipity.

Don’t attach to anything that is happening in the world instead grab your surfboard and do your best to catch & ride the waves. We’re passing through something that requires enormous adaptation so get into it.

Don’t let fear take you over, you were born for these times.


Monday March 13

Go big and then go home today as the Sag Moon squares Saturn in Pisces in the earliest degrees of the signs. Expansion and contraction are happening around what we believe. Our belief systems are going to be examined, refined, and distilled over the next 2.5 years down to a fine essence. As Gemini Mars square Pisces Neptune things feel really quite different than they did a month ago. Mars also sextiles Venus in Aries at 24°, so there is some spice to the day, get out there and flirt with someone!

Tuesday March 14

We have entered a time when the mutable signs are dominant. Today the Sag Moon opposes Mars in Gemini, creating emotional waves that can best be engaged with by something physical and fun. As they both are t-squared to Sun Mercury Neptune in Pisces, this is apt to be a rather wild day. Can you let yourself go, despite a to do list and current set of worries? The Moon also trines Jupiter today so the chance for feeling optimistic and gallant are very high. Take fun where you can find it, and let it boost your heart signal.

Wednesday March 15

We return to a serious outlook today as the Cap Moon sextiles Saturn in Pisces, and trines the Head of the Dragon. This is a chance for a graceful look at reality and a time to contemplate what we would like to build from here. In an interesting balance,

today also hosts the annual Sun Neptune conjunction in Pisces at 25°, which is the peak mystical, escapist conjunction, where we all don rose colored lenses that blur the edges of the reality we are also contemplating today. This is a day where all are likely to be very sensitive to everything.

ALSO Venus gets to 29° Aries which means it makes a clashing & clanging square to Pluto in Cap, which makes us glad for the wash of Neptune over the Sun today.

Thursday March 16

These times are asking a great deal of us and this will continue, thus the monthly Capricorn Moon trine Uranus is a day that would best be put to good use in terms of coming up with some innovations for living in times that ask so much courage of us, but also a willingness to play ball. Why are you here now? What do you bring to the table? No more sitting on the sidelines! You need to get fully in the game. The Moon also squares Jupiter & Chiron in Aries, making everything much larger then life seeming today. But Mercury conjunct Neptune & Sun in Pisces at 25° all square Mars in Gemini, keep us squarely in the Alice in Wonderland realm, so enjoy but stay grounded. Venus enters Taurus today which deserves a big cheer. She loves to be in her own sign and we reap the benefits of a happy benefic, wherever early Taurus is in your chart.

Friday March 17

Happy Saint Padraighs Day! (Traditional spelling)
Also known as Reclaiming the Snakes Day as the St Patrick tale of chasing away the snakes from the Isle of Eire actually is coded myth for the New Religion coming and driving away the old indigenous earth based goddess centric spirituality, represented by the snakes.

The monthly Cap Moon crossing over Pluto will take place in the early morning hours on the west coast (thankfully), so we wake up past that very intense point, to an early Aquarius moon.

But our dreams may have some very intense messages for us when we arise. The Aquarius Moon makes a square to Venus in Taurus asking us to make sure we are not splitting between mind and body. Make them hold hands & kiss.

Saturday March 18

As we near the event horizon of Pluto in Aquarius, today the Aquarius Moon squares Uranus in Taurus, striking a gong that moves both deep into our body as well as ringing out into the sky. Anchor yourself through your feet deep into the earth, and pull up her cool strength, it is also yours.

Mercury crosses into Aries meaning everyone is about to get a whole lot mouthier for the next few weeks.

Sunday March 19

The Moon leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces & then immediately joins Saturn and sextiles Venus in Taurus. These are wildly ungrounding times if we look to old ways of navigation, our guides are here to help us through. Whatever way you connect to the divine, I suggest you turn the volume UP.

In light of the economic realities of 2023, I am opening my practice to an ongoing sliding scale from $175-150 for full length readings.

Monday March 13
Things don’t exactly lighten up but they get a little more fun as the Scorpio Moon trines the Sun & Neptune in Pisces, as Mars in Gemini square Neptune. The downside of the day is that any illusory bubbles you’ve been tending may be popped. If so, be grateful for the reality check and recalibrate.

Tuesday March 14
Go big and then go home today as the Sag Moon squares Saturn in Pisces in the earliest degrees of the signs. Expansion and contraction are happening around what we believe. Our belief systems are going to be examined, refined, and distilled over the next 2.5 years down to a fine essence. As Gemini Mars square Pisces Neptune things feel really quite different than they did a month ago. Mars also sextiles Venus in Aries at 24°, so there is some spice to the day, get out there and flirt with someone!

Wednesday March 15
We have entered a time when the mutable signs are dominant. Today the Sag Moon opposes Mars in Gemini, creating emotional waves that can best be engaged with by something physical and fun. As they both are t-squared to Sun Mercury Neptune in Pisces, this is apt to be a rather wild day. Can you let yourself go, despite a to do list and current set of worries? The Moon also trines Jupiter today so the chance for feeling optimistic and gallant are very high. Take fun where you can find it, and let it boost your heart signal.

Thursday March 16
We return to a serious outlook today as the Cap Moon sextiles Saturn in Pisces, and trines the Head of the Dragon. This is a chance for a graceful look at reality and a time to contemplate what we would like to build from here. In an interesting balance,
today also hosts the annual Sun Neptune conjunction in Pisces at 25°, which is the peak mystical, escapist conjunction, where we all don rose colored lenses that blur the edges of the reality we are also contemplating today. This is a day where all are likely to be very sensitive to everything.
ALSO Venus gets to 29° Aries which means it makes a clashing & clanging square to Pluto in Cap, which makes us glad for the wash of Neptune over the Sun today.

Friday March 17
These times are asking a great deal of us and this will continue, thus the monthly Capricorn Moon trine Uranus is a day that would best be put to good use in terms of coming up with some innovations for living in times that ask so much courage of us, but also a willingness to play ball. Why are you here now? What do you bring to the table? No more sitting on the sidelines! You need to get fully in the game. The Moon also squares Jupiter & Chiron in Aries, making everything much larger then life seeming today. But Mercury conjunct Neptune & Sun in Pisces at 25° all square Mars in Gemini, keep us squarely in the Alice in Wonderland realm, so enjoy but stay grounded. Venus enters Taurus today which deserves a big cheer. She loves to be in her own sign and we reap the benefits of a happy benefic, wherever early Taurus is in your chart.

Saturday March 18
The monthly Cap Moon crossing over Pluto will take place in the early morning hours on the west coast (thankfully), so we wake up past that very intense point, to an early Aquarius moon.
But our dreams may have some very intense messages for us when we arise. The Aquarius Moon makes a square to Venus in Taurus asking us to make sure we are not splitting between mind and body. Make them hold hands & kiss.

Sunday March 19
As we near the event horizon of Pluto in Aquarius, today the Aquarius Moon squares Uranus in Taurus, striking a gong that moves both deep into our body as well as ringing out into the sky. Anchor yourself through your feet deep into the earth, and pull up her cool strength, it is also yours.
Mercury crosses into Aries meaning everyone is about to get a whole lot mouthier for the next few weeks.
