Jupiter into Taurus & Mercury direct! 💫

Jupiter into Taurus & Mercury direct!

(You can find S hemisphere at bottom of page)

I’m happy to say that this is a good Astro week. As the eclipses fade into the rear view mirror, this week sees Mercury station direct, and a very wonderful ingress; Jupiter into Taurus. Jupiter is our bringer of big blessings, and in Taurus he is working through Venus’s night or yin sign.

Taurus is sensual intelligence, it rules pleasure, land, agriculture & horticulture. It’s represented by the lush Empress card in Tarot, and it teaches us how to be fully embodied and how to anchor pleasure in a way that attracts the divine. This is a time for art, music and gardening.

Jupiter amplifies these themes for the next year; the more that we work the Taurus archetype the bigger the blessings are.
We know it’s time to grow food & herbs, if possible to have chickens or even a cow, but rather than these things stemming from existential anxiety, Jupiter in Taurus guides us to do it for the beauty and the joy that earth works can bring.
Flowers are the reproductive organs of the plant… but they didn’t have to be as beautiful as they are to function. This is our guide for the next year, to do things as beautifully as possible. And we know that beauty emerges from health, so walking the beauty way engenders health as well!

As Venus just entered Cancer and Jupe will soon be in Taurus, what these two have in common is a love of food and of the domestic & culinary arts.
Use this to expand your cooking repertoire, and note what you like to cook and eat and see if you can find some starts at the local nursery or farmers market.

Monday May 8
Today is real mixed bag as an expansive, hopeful, and dreamy Sag Moon trines Jupiter, squares Neptune. This combines with the strange conjunction of Taurus Sun & Uranus at 18°. Expect the unexpected, & allow for the weird. There could be jolting news today either personally or in the world.
The Moon moved into Cap in the eve on the west coast, settling things down into practicality and discipline mode.

Tuesday May 9
This weird Sun Uranus voltage continues today, and we feel the need to assess our commitments today Cap moon opposes Venus in Cancer at 2°. She also trines Mercury rx in Taurus at 6°, helping us to assess the last few weeks of the retrograde eclipse season mashup. It was very active so take note of what was revealed or removed as this energy will continue for the next six months, and we won’t have a South Node Scorpio eclipse for another 20 years.

Wednesday May 10
It’s a good day to do some hard work as the Cap Moon opposes Mars in Cancer at 24° as the day begins. Later the Moon squares Jupiter in Aries sending out some good feelings.

Thursday May 11
Possible red-flag day.
Heads up, this is the monthly Aquarius Moon crossing Pluto day, but the perfection takes place in the wee hours, so we wake up after the most intense part of the vibe, but the Moon is then squaring Mercury who’s about to station. Things are likely to feel intense, stuck, and maybe a bit frustrated. Deep breaths and a brisk walk can help shift the energy.

Friday May 12
The Aquarius Moon squares the Sun & Uranus in Taurus continuing some tense thinking. The Aquarius Moon is generally pretty detached from feelings which can cause some disassociation. Help is found today as Venus trines Saturn at 6° of water signs. This is a serious emotional tone but well take it, as it’s helpful for positive long-term commitments, the kind you can build a life on.

Saturday May 13
Time to reconnect to our more fluid feelings as the Moon into Pisces today joins Saturn as we start the day. This combination may feel melancholic and inspire some reflection. It’s a good day to watch an old sad classic movie and shed some tears as a reset.

Sunday May 14
The Moon in Pisces conjuncts Neptune today and we are awash with magical thinking that aids us to recover from yesterdays melancholia. Make some magic today.

In light of the economic realities of 2023, I am opening my practice to an ongoing sliding scale from $175-150 for full length readings.

Monday May 8

Venus leaves the light filled social frivolity of Gemini today, for the Cardinal water sign Cancer. This brings us back to a more introverted mode. Family becomes the focus and retreating from the world to rest and restore and to tend and nurture our beloveds.

Tuesday May 9

Today is real mixed bag as an expansive, hopeful, and dreamy Sag Moon trines Jupiter, squares Neptune. This combines with the strange conjunction of Taurus Sun & Uranus at 18°. Expect the unexpected, & allow for the weird. There could be jolting news today either personally or in the world.

The Moon moved into Cap in the eve on the west coast, settling things down into practicality and discipline mode.

Wednesday May 10

This weird Sun Uranus voltage continues today, and we feel the need to assess our commitments today Cap moon opposes Venus in Cancer at 2°. She also trines Mercury rx in Taurus at 6°, helping us to assess the last few weeks of the retrograde eclipse season mashup. It was very active so take note of what was revealed or removed as this energy will continue for the next six months, and we won’t have a South Node Scorpio eclipse for another 20 years.

Thursday May 11

It’s a good day to do some hard work as the Cap Moon opposes Mars in Cancer at 24° as the day begins. Later the Moon squares Jupiter in Aries sending out some good feelings.

Friday May 12

Possible red-flag day.

Heads up, this is the monthly Aquarius Moon crossing Pluto day, but the perfection takes place in the wee hours, so we wake up after the most intense part of the vibe, but the Moon is then squaring Mercury who’s about to station. Things are likely to feel intense, stuck, and maybe a bit frustrated. Deep breaths and a brisk walk can help shift the energy.

Saturday May 13

The Aquarius Moon squares the Sun & Uranus in Taurus continuing some tense thinking. The Aquarius Moon is generally pretty detached from feelings which can cause some disassociation. Help is found today as Venus trines Saturn at 6° of water signs. This is a serious emotional tone but well take it, as it’s helpful for positive long-term commitments, the kind you can build a life on.

Sunday May 14

Time to reconnect to our more fluid feelings as the Moon into Pisces today joins Saturn as we start the day. This combination may feel melancholic and inspire some reflection. It’s a good day to watch an old sad classic movie and shed some tears as a reset.
