Our First Saturn Station & the Gemini New Moon

Saturn Stations Retrograde

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Our First Saturn in Pisces Rx on the New Moon
This week we have Saturn the Great Taskmaster making his first retrograde since he entered Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, on March 7.

Take a look back over the last few months to see your bigger lessons and reflect on what still needs to be learned or integrated with these parts of your life. Find the house that contains the first 10° of Pisces in your natal chart to understand what part of your life is being tilled right now.

“The ancients are right: the dear old human experience is a singular, difficult, shadowed, brilliant experience that does not resolve into being comfortable in the world.

The valley of the shadow is part of that, and you are depriving yourself if you do not experience what humankind has experienced, including doubt and sorrow.

We experience pain and difficulty as failure instead of saying, I will pass through this, everyone I have ever admired has passed through this, music has come out of it, literature has come out of it. We should think of our humanity as a privilege.”
-Marilynne Robinson

Monday June 12
We begin the week with a fiery and impulsive Aries Moon who makes a trine to Mars that helps us activate inner drive. It’s fleeting so use it today for something important that needs a flush of energy. We also are faced today with a painful reflection from Chiron who insists that we find new ways to learn to nurture ourselves or face burnout.

Tuesday June 13
This may be a difficult day for relationships as they late Aries Moon squares Pluto freshly back in Cap. This is likely to be a day lacking in diplomacy or social grace with everyone having intense and reactive emotions on tap. It’s a day of elemental danger so take it as easy as you can.

Wednesday June 14
Today is a day to focus on material comforts as the exalted Taurus Moon conjuncts Jupiter, inspiring overall good feelings. As the Moon squares Venus & Mars there may be some unrest and raw passions that help us to figure out what we want and what we need.

Thursday June 15
Domestic routines may feel stifling as the Taurus Moon moves across Uranus, and you may feel like rebelling against everything expected of you. The Moon’s sextile to Neptune suggests using music to chill out, while the fearless trine Pluto enjoys the edginess as it makes you feel alive.
Mercury in Gemini makes a square to Saturn today which overlays an impulse of self-censorship which is at odds with the Moon Uranus desire to say things to shock people. Kind of a strange day. Definitely make a good playlist for it.

Friday June 16
The Dark Gemini Moon squares Saturn as it conjuncts Mercury unearthing feelings of hesitation and distrust. Your assignment is to work on being open to revive nurturance from others today despite your possible emotional reticence.

Saturday June 17
At 9:37pm on the west coast we have a New Moon in Gemini at 26° square to Neptune, kicking off a lunation where things might be less than crystal clear. This New Moon is very fluid and changeable. The best way to use it is to seek out things that inspire you emotionally, as a way to continue to develop trust and faith in the universe in the face of some really scary things going on in the world.
Also today Saturn makes his first station retrograde in Pisces. It’s time to take a retrospective view of your big challenges and lessons since March 7. Slow retrogrades like this are like moving through a cow's stomach….a chance to chew everything very very well so it’s easily digested and incorporated into the evolution of your life. With Venus & Mars conjunct in Leo this lunation also suggests some passionate creative project or some straight up good old fashioned sex.

Sunday June 18
We turn towards heart, hearth & home as the Newly waxing Cancer Moon makes several harmonious aspects to Jupiter, the North Node & Saturn. We find some optimism and good humor thanks to Jupiter and some good discipline thanks to Saturn. The combo of these gas giants influencing us as we approach solstice are a dynamic combo that gives us a little boost mid year.

“We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share.This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.”
Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist

In light of the economic realities of 2023, I am opening my practice to an ongoing sliding scale from $175-150 for full length readings.

Monday June 12
In the wee hours on the west coast, Pluto returns to the last degree of Capricorn. This part of your chart will be reactivated for more clean up until the end of the year. Mercury leaves the relative density of Taurus for its home sign of Gemini and we all get a little more verbally dexterous and curious. Mercury in Mercury’s sign is a great time to tackle a new language or skill.

Tuesday June 13
We have a fiery and impulsive Aries Moon today who makes a trine to Mars that helps us activate inner drive. It’s fleeting so use it today for something important that needs a flush of energy. We also are faced today with a painful reflection from Chiron who insists that we find new ways to learn to nurture ourselves or face burnout.

Wednesday June 14

This may be a difficult day for relationships as they late Aries Moon squares Pluto freshly back in Cap. This is likely to be a day lacking in diplomacy or social grace with everyone having intense and reactive emotions on tap. It’s a day of elemental danger so take it as easy as you can.

Thursday June 15
Today is a day to focus on material comforts as the exalted Taurus Moon conjuncts Jupiter, inspiring overall good feelings.

As the Moon squares Venus & Mars there may be some unrest and raw passions that help us to figure out what we want and what we need.

Friday June 16

Domestic routines may feel stifling as the Taurus Moon moves across Uranus, and you may feel like rebelling against everything expected of you. The Moon’s sextile to Neptune suggests using music to chill out, while the fearless trine Pluto enjoys the edginess as it makes you feel alive.

Mercury in Gemini makes a square to Saturn today which overlays an impulse of self-censorship which is at odds with the Moon Uranus desire to say things to shock people. Kind of a strange day. Definitely make a good playlist for it.

Saturday June 17
The Dark Gemini Moon squares Saturn as it conjuncts Mercury unearthing feelings of hesitation and distrust. Your assignment is to work on being open to revive nurturance from others today despite your possible emotional reticence.

Sunday June 18
At 9:37pm on the west coast we have a New Moon in Gemini at 26° square to Neptune, kicking off a lunation where things might be less than crystal clear. This New Moon is very fluid and changeable. The best way to use it is to seek out things that inspire you emotionally, as a way to continue to develop trust and faith in the universe in the face of some really scary things going on in the world.

Also today Saturn makes his first station retrograde in Pisces. It’s time to take a retrospective view of your big challenges and lessons since March 7. Slow retrogrades like this are like moving through a cow's stomach….a chance to chew everything very very well so it’s easily digested and incorporated into the evolution of your life. With Venus & Mars conjunct in Leo this lunation also suggests some passionate creative project or some straight up good old fashioned sex.
