Venus Pluto & theFull Aqua Moon ⚡

(S hemisphere below)

This week hosts a lot of intense action.
We open with a Persephone-Hades encounter as love visits the underworld. Where does your love nature require a soul retrieval? Eat some pomegranate seeds and descend into the deeper parts of your subconscious to find where you need to digest some shadow that is playing out in your relationships. It’s a very seductive, magnetic vibe, so it also may show up this week as some intense fatal attraction vibe. Enjoy the juice but avoid danger.

PS Lions Gate is not a thing. It’s inaccurate at best and a manipulative harvesting of the collective spiritual energy by nefarious parties, at worst. I advise just ignoring it completely. As you were.

Enjoy the pumped up Full Moon instead.

Monday August 8
The Moon enters Capricorn as Venus locks into her one a year opposition with Pluto. This links us back to all of December 2021, and early March of 2022 when Venus was traveling with Pluto both pro and retro grade.

We traveled half the year now, so this is a good week to evaluate your love relationships and see who you have met, what you have learned since then.

Mars finishes up his contentious square with Saturn as the backdrop indicating that there may well be power plays and power struggles in association with this weeks astrology.

Tuesday August 9
The wise Capricorn Moon carries messages from Mercury in Virgo to the Taurus team. How to enjoy your grounded healthy life is their overall message.

Tune into your body and see if perhaps it’s a good time for a gentle cleanse. We are in the changeable buffer seasons and this is a good time to get particular around “food as medicine” themes. Maybe it’s time to get a proper lymphatic massage? Or a hot stones massage…

Wednesday August 10
Ok back into emotional, laser-penetrating feelings as the Moon joins Pluto and picks back up the Venus opposition song. (Definitely a haunting melody)

What’s coming up? New stuff? Old stuff?

Refine, alchemize and digest. Turn dark compressed coal into shimmering faceted diamonds vs getting stuck in any version of the nigredo process.

Thursday August 11
The prismatic and non conforming Aquarius Full Moon perfects at 19° on the west coast just before dusk.

This Full Moon squares the nodal axis amplified by Mars and Uranus. To say this is a rebellious mood would be an understatement. Instead, take it on consciously.. where have you been too complicit in things that are at cross purposes to your best self interest.

This Moon rings like a bell, clear and piercing, to wake you up.

We are well into the 2020s apocalypse era now and things are as weird as ever. Are you using your critical thinking skills to evaluate what you hear and read? Legacy media is largely owned by billionaires and tech giants at this stage of the game. Take the time to research something if the story being offered is the whole story.

This Full Moon says don’t be a part of any herd. Do your own thinking.

By the time our light of the night sky is full, Venus has left the Pluto opposition by entering fabulous Leo. Here we love to be loved, and to love.. passionately and dramatically. Shake off the wet, chthonic drama of the last week and stretch your wings into more hedonistic concerns.

Friday August 12
The Moon dissolves from the tense abstract concerns it shared with Saturn in Aquarius into the primal waters of Pisces. There is always a softening at this time of the month, but there can also be some ungroundedness. Take some time out to recalibrate if you feel this. We’re entering a lovely Pisces Moon weekend that is to be enjoyed.

Saturday August 13
The Pisces Moon opposite Mercury in Virgo is a helpful axis to turn your concerns to creating order out of your fertile chaos.

Use it to clarify and then create. Venus in Leo says make some art..

The Sun also makes his Royal opposition to Saturn in Aquarius today possibly highlighting some friction with external authority or any feeling of being restricted or limited in how you want to shine.

There is a need to coax the head and the heart into working together on the next steps of whatever you feel is limiting you.

Sunday August 14
We wrap up the week with another fixed Grand Cross, with the Sun opposite Saturn and Mars and Uranus on the Taurus Scorpio nodes. This is pretty dramatic and it feels like rumblings of big things politically as we near the midterm elections in the US, as we have our 1st Pluto return.

Just stay focused on your own progress in terms of shoring up your extra supplies (don’t forget to stock up on pet food).

I am available for consultations if you would like to see how your astrology chart aligns with these transformational times we all chose to incarnate for.

Southern Hemisphere based on Sydney time zone

Monday August 8

Today features two very different aspects: Venus in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces Rx at 25°, and Mars in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius Rx at 22°.

Fresh out of its part of the Great Uranian Conjunction, earthy and stubborn Mars is pumped up and looking for a fight. He potentially finds it with Saturn, who throws up an icy block to his efforts.

Fixed squares are a special kind of tense and this one plays out in our bodies (Mars) and our social contracts w authority (Saturn). This involves themes of bodily autonomy, something that has certainly been up for the collective. The mutual application creates an extra focus and intensity.

Offsetting this contractive crisis vibe is the rather beautiful trine between Venus and Neptune in water signs. On her way to oppose Pluto tomorrow, Venus takes a deep dip into the dreamy realm of Neptune and fills her cup to the brim with magic & compassion.

Today’s square could cause some indigestion but today’s trine is a soothing balm.

Tuesday August 9

The Moon enters Capricorn as Venus locks into her one a year opposition with Pluto. This links us back to all of December 2021, and early March of 2022 when Venus was traveling with Pluto both pro and retro grade.

We traveled half the year now, so this is a good week to evaluate your love relationships and see who you have met, what you have learned since then.

Mars finishes up his contentious square with Saturn as the backdrop indicating that there may well be power plays and power struggles in association with this weeks astrology.

Wednesday August 10

The wise Capricorn Moon carries messages from Mercury in Virgo to the Taurus team. How to enjoy your grounded healthy life is their overall message.

Tune into your body and see if perhaps it’s a good time for a gentle cleanse. We are in the changeable buffer seasons and this is a good time to get particular around “food as medicine” themes. Maybe it’s time to get a proper lymphatic massage? Or a hot stones massage…

Thursday August 11

Ok back into emotional, laser-penetrating feelings as the Moon joins Pluto and picks back up the Venus opposition song. (Definitely a haunting melody)

What’s coming up? New stuff? Old stuff?

Refine, alchemize and digest. Turn dark compressed coal into shimmering faceted diamonds vs getting stuck in any version of the nigredo process.

Friday August 12

The prismatic and non conforming Aquarius Full Moon perfects at 19°.

This Full Moon squares the nodal axis amplified by Mars and Uranus. To say this is a rebellious mood would be an understatement. Instead, take it on consciously.. where have you been too complicit in things that are at cross purposes to your best self interest.

This Moon rings like a bell, clear and piercing, to wake you up.

We are well into the 2020s apocalypse era now and things are as weird as ever. Are you using your critical thinking skills to evaluate what you hear and read? Legacy media is largely owned by billionaires and tech giants at this stage of the game. Take the time to research something if the story being offered is the whole story.

This Full Moon says don’t be a part of any herd. Do your own thinking.

By the time our light of the night sky is full, Venus has left the Pluto opposition by entering fabulous Leo. Here we love to be loved, and to love.. passionately and dramatically. Shake off the wet, chthonic drama of the last week and stretch your wings into more hedonistic concerns.

Saturday August 13

The Moon dissolves from the tense abstract concerns it shared with Saturn in Aquarius into the primal waters of Pisces. There is always a softening at this time of the month, but there can also be some ungroundedness. Take some time out to recalibrate if you feel this. We’re entering a lovely Pisces Moon weekend that is to be enjoyed.

Sunday August 14

The Pisces Moon opposite Mercury in Virgo is a helpful axis to turn your concerns to creating order out of your fertile chaos.

Use it to clarify and then create. Venus in Leo says make some art..

The Sun also makes his Royal opposition to Saturn in Aquarius today possibly highlighting some friction with external authority or any feeling of being restricted or limited in how you want to shine.

There is a need to coax the head and the heart into working together on the next steps of whatever you feel is limiting you.
