💦 Wet on Wet 💧 Plus a Red-Flag Week 🚩

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Wheel of the Year begins March 24 

The year-long syllabus follows the path of the Sun through the Zodiac and is tailored to suit the needs of both beginner and intermediate students. As you explore each class, you'll benefit from astrology, ayurveda, mythology, herbalism, and group discussions on current events. Each class includes a monthly downloadable pdf workbook, a curated playlist, and homework of a plant-based-ritual nature to complete independently in the month.


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Wet on Wet with Mercury Neptune Plus a Red-Flag Warning

The rinse and spin cycle of the zodiacal year is well underway as we spend the week with a darkening Moon leading to the New on Sunday. 

Pisces takes us into our own magical interior Narnia where things are in twilight and jeweled branches are made of silver and gold. Magic is our birthright and it is here that our faith in life is restored. 

Sunday, as I am writing this, Venus in Aqua is separating from a highly volatile square with Uranus that is still at play all week. Writing from the front lines, this flash point meant business, as will the hot days this week. 

We’re all in the ongoing field of dysfunctional relationships denigration, that the South Node in Libra represents, and the tests are real. 

Anything that isn’t solid won’t survive this year, but anything worth it's salt, with parties who are willing to humble themselves to the Great Mystery, and be willing to find the right shape for things, in an evolutionary fashion, can ultimately thrive. 

But Venus & Mars traveling together through Aquarius, after being initiated by Pluto, now encountering harsh aspects to Uranus, are built in flash points that are designed to majorly activate and escalate. Uranus says if it isn’t solid, stop wasting your time. Venus says, if it is solid, then actively seek the version that supports the love. Saturn in Pisces agrees.

We wrap us this rather volatile, yet sweet-of-heart week with the last New Moon of the Zodiacal year, on Saturday/Sunday depending on where you are. Allow it to melt you into a heart space where you remember that everyone on earth, two-legged, 4-legged, winged, hooved, or finned… we are all one huge family, swirling together in this world to learn and grow but ultimately and most of all to choose love and kinship. 

After this harsh Venus Uranus passage, our love planet will enter her exaltation and we will all receive this soothing and healing balm. 

Tell me, what is it you plan to do 

with your one wild and precious life?

-Mary Oliver


Monday March 4

The week begins as the Sagittarius Moon sails across the Galactic Center, assisting us by opening the tap to the mysteries. Take a deep drink before the Moon moves into Cap in the early afternoon on the west coast, taking our focus into practical and serious matters. What have you let slack? The Cap Moon always inspires taking up the reins once more and leaning into the wind. 


Tuesday March 5

The Cap Moon makes a lightening trine to Jupiter and a square to the North Node and Chiron, who have begun to separate after their partile journey together.. This spark of Jupe aids the Moon (our emotions) in talking the time to assess recent past, and imminent future, based on decisions and choices. 

Mars trine the South Node says it’s all good, we can only know what we know when we know it, but moving forward, we will be applying what we are learning now to how we relate with others, the goal being true authentic expression on both sides. 


Wednesday March 6

The-unfettered-by-Pluto Cap Moon finishes up its journey, having passed the Pluto baton to Aquarius now. There is a frequency each time we swing around to this part of the zodiac that is helping us to uplevel to the new, but it’s not exactly comfortable. It’s like new electronic music that’s gooooood? but way too loud …

Your nervous system would benefit from a nourishing drink today vs high octane fuel. Whatever you drink today, try adding some butter, ghee, or coconut oil for extra self care in ways that count right now. 


Thursday March 7 

We arrive at our first red-flag day of the week as the Aquarius Moon squares Jupiter and Uranus, and Revolution is certainly in the air. You don’t need to look far to find examples of this; the European truckers have clearly had enough. 

This volatility is compounded by Mars approaching fixed a square to Uranus, which is just a recipe for arguments, blow ups, blow outs, ultimatums, and maybe even some upgrades. That’s what Uranus usually wants, but Mars in Aquarius even on its own is legendarily rebellious and pushing back is like breathing to this signature. 

So add the co-presence of Pluto in Aquarius and a square to Uranus and something/s are going to be boiling over this week. If you don’t want to be one of them then give eveyone wide berth and lots of slack.


Friday March 8

There’s a welcomed and healing emphasis on yin today after a pretty yang week.

The Moon is with Venus, linking the feminine planets in an affirming way, and Mercury is with Neptune, which has upsides: VERY MAGICAL and downsides, VERY CONFUSING.

 It’s akin to having to deal with pixies that require a special password in order to pass, and you have to figure it out with no clues. 

The only way in, it’s through your intuition and divination. There is most certainly some sublime & subtle message for you today, so stay extra open to omens and symbols while awake, but also through your dreams.


Saturday March 9 

Mars square Uranus comes into clear focus today and the effects are likely to be bombastic.

This is reinforced by Mercury dragging itself out the waterbed it’s been laying in with Neptune. It then lights its rocket-booster and off we go across the Aries Point, into the wild world of Cardinal fire and all the spice that it brings. Get ready to speak, perhaps shout your truth, which is somewhat of a relief after the non verbal Mercury Neptune soirée.


Sunday March 10 

The Moon becomes New once more in the early hours at 20° Pisces. Spaced between Saturn and Neptune, this lunation gives us the lay of the land for the next five years as we will be spanning the distance between dreams and reality again and again, like we are Spider Grandmother, helping to weave a new world into being. 



Monday March 4

The late Scorpio Moon trines Neptune before entering Sag and making a sextile with Pluto giving us a glamouros and mysterious start to the day that gives way to the rock star fun energy of Sag. Saturn in Pisces has made it to the second decan meaning that all ingressing mutable planets get a little breathing room before contacting Saturn.

Venus squares Uranus today, reinforcing some of the ongoing Uranian themes of freedom and individuality in the context of love. This is a potential flashpoint for struggling relationships. 


Tuesday March 5

The week begins as the Sagittarius Moon sails across the Galactic Center, assisting us by opening the tap to the mysteries. Take a deep drink before the Moon moves into Cap in the early afternoon on the west coast, taking our focus into practical and serious matters. What have you let slack? The Cap Moon always inspires taking up the reins once more and leaning into the wind. 


Wednesday March 6

The Cap Moon makes a lightening trine to Jupiter and a square to the North Node and Chiron, who have begun to separate after their partile journey together.. This spark of Jupe aids the Moon (our emotions) in talking the time to assess recent past, and imminent future, based on decisions and choices. 

Mars trine the South Node says it’s all good, we can only know what we know when we know it, but moving forward, we will be applying what we are learning now to how we relate with others, the goal being true authentic expression on both sides. 


Thursday March 7 

The-unfettered-by-Pluto Cap Moon finishes up its journey, having passed the Pluto baton to Aquarius now. There is a frequency each time we swing around to this part of the zodiac that is helping us to uplevel to the new, but it’s not exactly comfortable. It’s like new electronic music that’s gooooood? but way too loud …

Your nervous system would benefit from a nourishing drink today vs high octane fuel. Whatever you drink today, try adding some butter, ghee, or coconut oil for extra self care in ways that count right now. 


Friday March 8

We arrive at our first red-flag day of the week as the Aquarius Moon squares Jupiter and Uranus, and Revolution is certainly in the air. You don’t need to look far to find examples of this; the European truckers have clearly had enough. 

This volatility is compounded by Mars approaching fixed a square to Uranus, which is just a recipe for arguments, blow ups, blow outs, ultimatums, and maybe even some upgrades. That’s what Uranus usually wants, but Mars in Aquarius even on its own is legendarily rebellious and pushing back is like breathing to this signature. 

So add the co-presence of Pluto in Aquarius and a square to Uranus and something/s are going to be boiling over this week. If you don’t want to be one of them then give eveyone wide berth and lots of slack.


Saturday March 9 

There’s a welcomed and healing emphasis on yin today after a pretty yang week.

The Moon is with Venus, linking the feminine planets in an affirming way, and Mercury is with Neptune, which has upsides: VERY MAGICAL and downsides, VERY CONFUSING.

 It’s akin to having to deal with pixies that require a special password in order to pass, and you have to figure it out with no clues. 

The only way in, it’s through your intuition and divination. There is most certainly some sublime & subtle message for you today, so stay extra open to omens and symbols while awake, but also through your dreams.


Sunday March 10 

Mars square Uranus comes into clear focus today and the effects are likely to be bombastic.

This is reinforced by Mercury dragging itself out the waterbed it’s been laying in with Neptune. It then lights its rocket-booster and off we go across the Aries Point, into the wild world of Cardinal fire and all the spice that it brings. Get ready to speak, perhaps shout your truth, which is somewhat of a relief after the non verbal Mercury Neptune soirée.
