A Red Flag Week as Mars Joins Pluto đźš©

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Ok. In T minus 36 hours, Mars will leave its exaltation in Cap and enter Aquarius, joining Pluto. This is kind of a cosmic joke for Valentines Day. It’s a weird, electric, jangly, confrontational, unemotional, verging on cyborg vibe. It’s also the next big activation of this new Pluto business. Mercury joined Pluto in Aquarius and Tucker Carlson surprise interviewed Vladimir Putin.

Mercury is talking, Mars is action. Mars conjunct Pluto is famously explosive, so think cool calm thoughts, and do your best to give less fucks, as most will be giving more this week. 

It’s time to move beyond “sides”. In this Pluto in Aquarius era, your highest tasks include setting aside your preconceived biases and actually getting present and listening to what is being said or read, vs a response that comes from an allegiance to a side. The North Node in Aries & Pluto in Aquarius are waiting for your senses to grow sharper, are waiting to hear what you really think after being brave and thinking outside of the box you have been living in.

The Wood Dragon year is very young and innocent and says don’t take things personally. 

We are expanding, moving forward out of the dark, complex, emotional, fearful Year of the Water Rabbit. This is a year for spiritual development, it's a wild card year. It’s time to trim the sails, to be very attentive to all moments and adjust the tension in the lines accordingly, to stay upright. This is a fast and fun year, so don’t let go of the sail. 

Dragons are digestion years, they’re for  digesting the universe. There is an indulgent,  devouring quality to dragon years, There is a Universalizing energy that comes with this year after the Rabbit Year had us hiding in our Burroughs, and hanging out only with select groups.  

The wood cracks the egg and boundaries and destinations are broken down and the open sky is the limit. Yang wood refreshes us. It’s the equivalent of Aries springtime rebirth in the western zodiac. 

All planets entering Aquarius are purified and activated by the Pluto in Aquarius prism and we are reminded that we need both Head and heart, as neither side has the answer. We need our left brain & right brain for compassion and rationalism. Apollo & Dionysus, we need both sides to function as whole people, as a whole populace fumbling towards evolution. 

{Southern Scopes at Bottom of Page}

Monday February 12

We begin the week with Mars at the last degree of Cap. This is the very sensitive, anaretic degree that Pluto has been working over for the last couple of years. This is a good day to stretch your body, to move the energy around and through, noting places it’s been stuck. 

The Aries Moon makes a stiff sextile to Pluto, bringing some VERY AWAKE energy into the day. This is a strong week, and this aspect suggests it's a good week to have your guard up. Low key, not in an anxious way. 

The North Node has joined with Chiron at 16° Aries, and they will travel close together through equinox. This is a time of fierce independence as we take our cues form the Aries & Aquarius archetypes. 


Tuesday February 13

Mars enters 00 Aquarius today and joins Pluto. This transit is highly stimulating, compulsive, and a classic time for things to reach a breaking point of some sort. Avoid any unnecesssry danger or confrontations and law low for the next few days. Your own or others underlying motivations may be laid bare this week. The upside is crazy courage and resilience. 

The Aries Moon activates the North Node on Chiron upping the overall cortisol of the day. 

Wednesday February 14

Admittedly this is a weird Valentine’s Day, with Mars conjunct Pluto and Mercury trine the South Node of past loves, but what we do have going for us is an exalted Taurus Moon with Jupiter. This is sexy and cuddly and luxurious and oriented towards treats. Create some beauty around you today and lean into love. 

Thursday February 15

The Taurus Moon carries a message of earthy optimism from Jupiter to Uranus, helping them prepare for their incoming big conjunction. This is all about the economies of the world, the supply chains, the trade lines, food, farming, and our bodies. Use this transit to ground out and call into being what you would like for our collective future in these departments.

Friday February 16

There is a big tone shift today as Venus and the Moon both move from earth to air. Venus joins Pluto & Mars, and the Gemini Moon helps us to adapt. Venus in Aquarius is edgy and eccentric on her tastes, and her alignment with Pluto pushes us into intense obsessive territory. This stelllum has to do with power and control dynamics in any interactions, but especially romantic ones. Mercury in Aquarius makes a square to Uranus today at 19° and no one is the boss of anyone today and mouthiness is likely. The best thing that can happen today is that the Gemini Moon lightens things up and gives us more mental agility AND HUMOR, but beware of getting too mental… be sure to stay linked to the feeling part of your feelings today and not get weird and mental and dry. 


Saturday February 17 

The Gemini Moon gets a bit damped down today as it makes a square to Saturn, but the trine to Pluto Venus Mars and Mercury is where it’s doing the heavy lifting and keeping us afloat and helping us attune to the new frequency of maximum Aquarius. Breathwork is a very good tool this week. 

Sunday February 18 

The Sun, South Node, and the Moon are all linked in a Grand Air trine today helping us return to an expansive openness after yesterday’s Saturn square. This is the last day of mental Aquarius season, tomorrow takes us into the mutable wetness of sweet hearted Pisces. 


Monday February 12

Pisces Moon between Saturn & Neptune highlights the larger connection between them this year and in the coming years. The principle of reality (Saturn) & the principle of dreams (Neptune) meeting first in Pisces this year, and then in Aries (through 2028). 

We need both equally in these human lives… Saturn in the bottom line here yet we aspire and dream and as Caroline Casey says, delay the tracks with Neptune that the reality train Saturn can follow. So today the work is to look at both sides in your life and see what needs more support, if the ultimate goal is balance between them, which is the best way to chart a course through life.

Tuesday February 13

We begin the week with Mars at the last degree of Cap. This is the very sensitive, anaretic degree that Pluto has been working over for the last couple of years. This is a good day to stretch your body, to move the energy around and through, noting places it’s been stuck. 

The Aries Moon makes a stiff sextile to Pluto, bringing some VERY AWAKE energy into the day. This is a strong week, and this aspect suggests it's a good week to have your guard up. Low key, not in an anxious way. 

The North Node has joined with Chiron at 16° Aries, and they will travel close together through equinox. This is a time of fierce independence as we take our cues form the Aries & Aquarius archetypes. 

Wednesday February 14

Mars enters 00 Aquarius today and joins Pluto. This transit is highly stimulating, compulsive, and a classic time for things to reach a breaking point of some sort. Avoid any unnecesssry danger or confrontations and law low for the next few days. Your own or others underlying motivations may be laid bare this week. The upside is crazy courage and resilience. 

The Aries Moon activates the North Node on Chiron upping the overall cortisol of the day. 

Thursday February 15

Admittedly this is a weird Valentine’s Day, with Mars conjunct Pluto and Mercury trine the South Node of past loves, but what we do have going for us is an exalted Taurus Moon with Jupiter. This is sexy and cuddly and luxurious and oriented towards treats. Create some beauty around you today and lean into love. 

Friday February 16

The Taurus Moon carries a message of earthy optimism from Jupiter to Uranus, helping them prepare for their incoming big conjunction. This is all about the economies of the world, the supply chains, the trade lines, food, farming, and our bodies. Use this transit to ground out and call into being what you would like for our collective future in these departments.


Saturday February 17 

There is a big tone shift today as Venus and the Moon both move from earth to air. Venus joins Pluto & Mars, and the Gemini Moon helps us to adapt. Venus in Aquarius is edgy and eccentric on her tastes, and her alignment with Pluto pushes us into intense obsessive territory. This stelllum has to do with power and control dynamics in any interactions, but especially romantic ones. Mercury in Aquarius makes a square to Uranus today at 19° and no one is the boss of anyone today and mouthiness is likely. The best thing that can happen today is that the Gemini Moon lightens things up and gives us more mental agility AND HUMOR, but beware of getting too mental… be sure to stay linked to the feeling part of your feelings today and not get weird and mental and dry. 

Sunday February 18 

The Gemini Moon gets a bit damped down today as it makes a square to Saturn, but the trine to Pluto Venus Mars and Mercury is where it’s doing the heavy lifting and keeping us afloat and helping us attune to the new frequency of maximum Aquarius. Breathwork is a very good tool this week.
