🕯️Imbolc& Lughnasash 🍎

Imbolc& Lughnasash

Gift Certificates & Consultations Available 

For more info: https://www.paetratauchertastrology.com/wheel-of-the-year

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I'm doing a talk on the astrology of 2024 & herbs to support us, on January 31 at 6pm pacific for the Sonoma County Herb Exchange. To register** 

{Southern scopes at bottom of page}

We reach the time on the wheel that opens up our buffer seasons; ephemeral spring and fleeting autumn.

 The tropical zodiac is pinned to the seasons, meaning that the Aries ingress will always coincide with the first day of spring in the north (vs being linked to the constellations like sidereal astrology is), but before that point, during a subtle yet profound moment, the year “quickens” and the earliest stirrings of life are sighted in the depth of frozen, cold winter. 

In the south, summertime blazes away until an unexpected moment happens, when you see the light at a certain slant, or some leaves falling, and you can feel the doorway creaking open to autumn. 

Imbolc in the north is a long-standing cross-quarter day that marks the midpoint between winter solstice and spring equinox. It is honored & represented by snowdrops, candles, loaves of bread, and by the fire-goddess Brigid who was so beloved by the Celtic people that she could not be supplanted by Christian faith, so they made her a Saint and tucked her into their increasingly syncretic religion. 

For us in the north, it is a week to be still and notice the stirrings of life. We’re still deep in wintertime. This day is linked to the modernized Groundhog’s Day, which is used as a folk method of determining how much more winter awaits.

To celebrate Imbolc you can gather snowdrops or find a good image of them, light a candle and honor Brigid who is goddess of the hearth, protector of wells & springs, agriculture and wild nature. Loaves of bread were traditionally baked and filled with the fertilizing power of the sun 


Monday January 29

Today’s astrology is like a finely sharpened and cared for tool that is essential for, and quite useful in life. This is not a day for theory, it’s a day for reality based assessment of where you are and what you need to do, what steps to get yourself more grounded and together in the earth plane. The Moon opp Neptune can show you where you are tending towards rose colored glasses type thinking, and Uranus and the Cap planets can help you course correct, but you have to be willing to admit you lost the main plot thread a bit, so it’s a humble moon day, but Venus in Cap trine Jupiter in Taurus is quite wonderful and means that hard work pays off in spades right now. 


Tuesday January 30 

A good portion of the sky is answering to Venus as the Libra Moon trines Pluto & the Aquarius Sun. Our social lives will be getting a solid review and makeover with Pluto here and many other planets getting ready to pile into Aquarius, so be alert to this process and trust it. You want your life to be filled with active, relevant, heartfelt friendships and colleagues. This will count a lot moving forward into the new era.

Mars trine Uranus says that we are at a time for self-guided action, and the North Node agrees. This is a time to learn from each other but not to dominate. 


Wednesday January 31 

The Libra Moon on her South Node opposite Chiron on the North Node today means it’s a little bit of a relationship red-flag day. Codependency, narcissism/empath, not being fully honest…. These old ways of relating are in the chopping block all year, with an emphasis each month as the Moon lights this complex up. We are healing our solo selves, knowing that two individuals make up a partnership or friendship and if either side is not giving their best individuated self to the equation, that it goes a bit wobbly and stays that way. So thank you South Node in Libra for helping us clean up old messes that make us less functional. 


Thursday February 1

Happy Imbolc & Lughnasash!

The Late Libra Moon creates a bunch of static with a square to Mercury & Mars early in the day, but by midday (on the west coast) it becomes a Scorpio Moon, with a sharp square to Pluto. 

This is part of the new neural pathways of Pluto into Aqua; the tension points with the other fixed signs. Each month Pluto will be squared by Taurus & Scorpio lunar ingresses, and opposed by Leo. While Cap, Cancer, Libra & Aries have been the hot spots, they now get to chill out. (Well deserved). So today it’s the Scorpio Moon’s natural need for deep emotional connections that feels a jarring square to Pluto in Aqua’s official policy of detachment.  

In the north today and tomorrow we celebrate Imbolc and the quickening of springtime. In the south we celebrate and honor the advent of autumn. Find a way to mark and honor these ancient, sacred days that speak to the ever shifting relationship between light and darkness here on earth. 


Friday February 2

The holy days span an eve and a day so today is also part of Imbolc & Lammas or Lughnasash. In honor of it, the Scorpio Moon opposite Jupiter brings a surge of optimism and good feelings, albeit cautious optimism as it's Scorpio flavored. The trine to Saturn in Pisces adds more caution but it’s a good ingredient for finding solutions, especially to emotional issues. 


Saturday February 3 

Today feels good in a sexy, high chi, undercurrent sort of way as the Scorpio Moon opposes Uranus and trines Neptune. There is a very independent streak running through the day but also a deep desire for connection and emotional sensitivity. Find some people today, it’s not a good day for solo activities. 


Sunday February 4 

All of the Sag ingresses have been chilled of their normal vivacity since Saturn has entered Pisces, as it makes a natural square, requiring Sag to do due diligence that it’d rather avoid, thank you very much. Today is one of those days, so your guidance is to tackle your to do list and cross off a big one so that after that you can actually enjoy the rest of the free-spirited Sag Moon day. 


Monday January 29

The Virgo Moon is separating from an opposition with Saturn which created a Grand trine/kite with Venus and Saturn all at 6°. This is an industrious and lucky combination that helps you with whatever detailed tasks you have in front of you today. A good day to eat healthy and think about making a time schedule for next week.


Tuesday January 30 

Today’s astrology is like a finely sharpened and cared for tool that is essential for, and quite useful in life. This is not a day for theory, it’s a day for reality based assessment of where you are and what you need to do, what steps to get yourself more grounded and together in the earth plane. The Moon opp Neptune can show you where you are tending towards rose colored glasses type thinking, and Uranus and the Cap planets can help you course correct, but you have to be willing to admit you lost the main plot thread a bit, so it’s a humble moon day, but Venus in Cap trine Jupiter in Taurus is quite wonderful and means that hard work pays off in spades right now. 


Wednesday January 31 

A good portion of the sky is answering to Venus as the Libra Moon trines Pluto & the Aquarius Sun. Our social lives will be getting a solid review and makeover with Pluto here and many other planets getting ready to pile into Aquarius, so be alert to this process and trust it. You want your life to be filled with active, relevant, heartfelt friendships and colleagues. This will count a lot moving forward into the new era.

Mars trine Uranus says that we are at a time for self-guided action, and the North Node agrees. This is a time to learn from each other but not to dominate. 


Thursday February 1

Happy Lughnasash! In the south today and tomorrow we celebrate Lughnasadh or Lammas, and the quickening of autumn. Find a way to mark and honor this ancient, sacred portal day that speaks to the ever shifting relationship between light and darkness here on earth. 

The Libra Moon on her South Node opposite Chiron on the North Node today means it’s a little bit of a relationship red-flag day. Codependency, narcissism/empath, not being fully honest…. These old ways of relating are in the chopping block all year, with an emphasis each month as the Moon lights this complex up. We are healing our solo selves, knowing that two individuals make up a partnership or friendship and if either side is not giving their best individuated self to the equation, that it goes a bit wobbly and stays that way. So thank you South Node in Libra for helping us clean up old messes that make us less functional. 


Friday February 2

The Late Libra Moon creates a bunch of static with a square to Mercury & Mars early in the day, but by midday (on the west coast) it becomes a Scorpio Moon, with a sharp square to Pluto. 

This is part of the new neural pathways of Pluto into Aqua; the tension points with the other fixed signs. Each month Pluto will be squared by Taurus & Scorpio lunar ingresses, and opposed by Leo. While Cap, Cancer, Libra & Aries have been the hot spots, they now get to chill out. (Well deserved). So today it’s the Scorpio Moon’s natural need for deep emotional connections that feels a jarring square to Pluto in Aqua’s official policy of detachment.  


Saturday February 3 

The holy days span an eve and a day so today is also part of Imbolc & Lammas or Lughnasash. In honor of it, the Scorpio Moon opposite Jupiter brings a surge of optimism and good feelings, albeit cautious optimism as it's Scorpio flavored. The trine to Saturn in Pisces adds more caution but it’s a good ingredient for finding solutions, especially to emotional issues. 


Sunday February 4 

Today feels good in a sexy, high chi, undercurrent sort of way as the Scorpio Moon opposes Uranus and trines Neptune. There is a very independent streak running through the day but also a deep desire for connection and emotional sensitivity. Find some people today, it’s not a good day for solo activities.
