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Fiery Full Moon in Aries 🔥

Libra Season & the Aries Full Moon

I am available for consultations if you would like to see how your natal chart can help you connect with your soul purpose, explore, & understand your relationships, find your right location, or align with current astrological influences.

Earth, Air, Fire, & Water are the building blocks of astrology.

In this four part series we will take a deep dive into each element via planets, signs, houses, and astrological philosophy.

Four Saturdays:

October 14, 21, 28 & November 4

9-10:45 am Pacific Time

Cost: $325 or two payments of $175

Classes will be held live on Zoom, and will be recorded in case you can’t make every class.

Join us!

To register or for more info:

This is a passionate week featuring the annual Full Moon in individualistic Aries. This is the last moon cycle before we enter our next round of eclipses (I still have my Venus Rx decorations up!)

Libra season is always about love and relationships but this is an industrial strength month with so many planets oriented in this direction. Might as well roll up your sleeves and do the work in front of you, allowing for brighter and healthier relationships moving forward.

Another significant part of the Astro-soup is Pluto, the heaviest of the heavyweights is about to station which always adds intensity to the mix. Stay tuned to the undercurrents & root down for support.

“For one human being to love another: that is perhaps the most difficult of all our tasks, the ultimate, the last test and proof, the work for which all other work is but preparation.”


——- *Southern Hemisphere scopes at bottom of page*

Monday September 25

The lovely Mercury in Virgo trines Jupiter rx in Taurus today at 14°, bringing earth plane practicality into harmony today with loftier, philosophical leanings. Mercury is so strong right now, regaining normal planetary speed post Rx while Jupiter is retracing his steps. This feels like Tolkien’s hobbit territory: the simple pleasures of home stretched out into the great quest to recover the stolen treasure guarded by a Dragon.

As we enter the cold dark half of the year in the north, the quest is interior, but no less significant. What treasure has been lost to you? How will you regain it? This is your task until Jupiter stations direct at the end of this year.

Also happening today is Mars in Libra making an opposition to Chiron in Aries at 18°.

This speaks to right action in relationship. We all incur and cause trauma in our clumsy learning how to appropriately relate to each other. This is a wounds licking transit where you are given some perspective on your actions with an impetus to make things right where you have dropped the ball.

Tuesday September 26

There is a big desire for love & affection today as the Moon opposes Venus in Leo, but the t-square to Uranus says the work is balancing your need for stability with your underlying desires for freedom. This is a day that teaches how to love in a big way, with an open hand.

Wednesday September 27

Today is our monthly refresher course on constructing big elaborate castles in the air that have from foundations underneath. Much like Rome was not built in a day, neither are these, but we have until May 2025 when Saturn will leave Pisces for Aries.

Thursday September 28

Today is a dreamy & psychedelic day, with a potent waxing Moon on its way to full.

It’s not such a practical day, instead it's an ethereal and otherworldly day that feeds the part of you that is only made for dreaming and magic. The faerie realm is always around the bend, but days like today make the access portals more visible.

Friday September 29

Happy Full Moon! In the early morning on the west coast, the Moon opposes the Sun at 6° of Aries/Libra the axis of relationship. This is a rather romantic Moon as the rulers Venus & Mars are in a flirtatious sextile with each other. There are some formidable squares as well with Venus square to Uranus & Jupe while Mars heads into a square with Pluto. That’s a lot of passionate tension, where no one is the boss of anyone, which is great as the work is partnership vs control.

The Venus Uranus square us exact size anything that bubbling up now romantically wants to take you to the next level. Buckle up as the acceleration will be intense.

Saturday September 30

Whip up some froth today socially, and engage the fire of the Aries Moon with the North Node as they trine Venus is Leo. Play, performance, pleasure, action.. This is super fun Astro weather with some contentious overtones as Mars joins the Nodes.

Sunday Oct 1

The Moon enjoys her Taurean exaltation today as she heads for Jupiter, as Venus sextiles the South Node. This is a relaxing mood that would be well enjoyed with a picnic.

Monday September 25 Today is a red-flag day as the Moon makes her monthly meeting with Pluto, square to the Nodes. This astroweather may inspir some shadowy feelings and thoughts. Note what comes up today and use some of the shadow work prompts I gave you above and see if you can make some headway instead of just feeling moody and grumpy.

Tuesday September 26 The lovely Mercury in Virgo trines Jupiter rx in Taurus today at 14°, bringing earth plane practicality into harmony today with loftier, philosophical leanings. Mercury is so strong right now, regaining normal planetary speed post Rx while Jupiter is retracing his steps. This feels like Tolkien’s hobbit territory: the simple pleasures of home stretched out into the great quest to recover the stolen treasure guarded by a Dragon.

As we enter the cold dark half of the year in the north, the quest is interior, but no less significant. What treasure has been lost to you? How will you regain it? This is your task until Jupiter stations direct at the end of this year.

Also happening today is Mars in Libra making an opposition to Chiron in Aries at 18°.

This speaks to right action in relationship. We all incur and cause trauma in our clumsy learning how to appropriately relate to each other. This is a wounds licking transit where you are given some perspective on your actions with an impetus to make things right where you have dropped the ball.

Wednesday September 27

There is a big desire for love & affection today as the Moon opposes Venus in Leo, but the t-square to Uranus says the work is balancing your need for stability with your underlying desires for freedom. This is a day that teaches how to love in a big way, with an open hand.

Thursday September 28

Today is our monthly refresher course on constructing big elaborate castles in the air that have from foundations underneath. Much like Rome was not built in a day, neither are these, but we have until May 2025 when Saturn will leave Pisces for Aries.

Friday September 29

Today is a dreamy & psychedelic day, with a potent waxing Moon on its way to full.

It’s not such a practical day, instead it's an ethereal and otherworldly day that feeds the part of you that is only made for dreaming and magic. The faerie realm is always around the bend, but days like today make the access portals more visible.

Saturday September 30 Happy Full Moon! Today theMoon opposes the Sun at 6° of Aries/Libra the axis of relationship. This is a rather romantic Moon as the rulers Venus & Mars are in a flirtatious sextile with each other. There are some formidable squares as well with Venus square to Uranus & Jupe while Mars heads into a square with Pluto. That’s a lot of passionate tension, where no one is the boss of anyone, which is great as the work is partnership vs control.

The Venus Uranus square us exact size anything that bubbling up now romantically wants to take you to the next level. Buckle up as the acceleration will be intense.

Sunday Oct 1

Whip up some froth today socially, and engage the fire of the Aries Moon with the North Node as they trine Venus is Leo. Play, performance, pleasure, action.. This is super fun Astro weather with some contentious overtones as Mars joins the Nodes.

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