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The Elder Full Moon & We Begin Again

{Southern scopes at bottom of page}We passed through the quiet solstice portal and now roll right into the rebirth of the Sun & Son, as they are one and the same. Life eternal does spring. Enter the night and you will find the light. We are the same now as seeds planted deep in the wet dark earth, swelling invisibly, one tap root probing and anchoring. This is the time of the year to find the light within, the deepest dark place is where the light springs from.Ā 


The birth of the Christ child to Mary & the rebirth of the Sun to the Great Goddess both bring the return of hope & faith at a time when they are easily lost. We identify as modern inhabitants of the world but we are not long removed from the times when it wasnā€™t clear who would and would not survive the winter. We have an ancestral, cellular fear of loss in the wintertime and although we now are comforted and distracted by electric light and heat, there is still a natural vigilance in the Capricorn season where we have in mind the most important and fundamental parts of life.Ā 

As the light returns in the north, we celebrate the birth of the teeny tiny little redeemer. Life on earth can be tough, and Jesus is helpful. We thank him for his great service to the world.

The week between Christmas and New Yearā€™s is famously disorienting (and filled with cheese) and this year itā€™s contained in the last week of Mercury retrograde. Just drop the reins now, and let your horse take you the rest of the way home.

Pick them up on the first as Mercury stations direct, close to the Galactic Center. Wishing you the happiest of holy days, however you celebrate, and a deeply renewing New Year, the year of the Wood Dragon! ā€”ā€”-


Monday December 25

Christmas Day hosts a Gemini Moon opposite Mars & Mercury rx in Sag, which offers the possibility of good humor with some potential reactivity in the mix. Watch your imbibing if it will lead to family arguments.Ā 


Tuesday December 26

Boxing Day this year hosts our annual Cancer Full Moon at 4Ā°, trine introverted Saturn, which comes at a good time to be able to retreat and curl up with a good book and cuppa tea after all the fanfare. This is a very introverted and deep feeling lunation, boosted by a sextile to Jupiter. Enjoy feeling cozy.Ā 


Wednesday December 27

We might be a little sensitive as the Cancer Moon squares Chiron. Take note if anyone needs extra support today. It also may be a day of wild fun & adventure as Mercury rx and Mars in Sag fuse at 24Ā° today. Best case is to honor both moods today; have fun with a watchful eye for anyone going down for the count.Ā 


Thursday December 28

This is a bit of a red-flag day, as we make one of the last Cancer Moon oppositions to Pluto in Cap. Emotions are likely to be activated today, with feelings around safety and family being emphasized. It's a good day for a cry, as holidays are not always just happy, there can often be a thread of sadness weaving through, so this Astro weather gives permission to not have to just be HAPPY. Joy and sorrow are two sides of the same valuable, human coin.Ā 


Friday December 29

Things lighten up a bunch with the Leo Moon on the 29th, as Venus also leaves watery Scorpio for the lofty levity of Sag. This is a day of illumination and play. December is a special month and itā€™s nearly complete, as is the year. What have you learned this year? What was your best adventure? What adventure would you like plan for 2024?Ā 


Saturday December 30

The high-spirited vivacity continues as the Leo Moon forms a grand fire trine with the North Node in Aries and Mercury/Mars in Sag. This is a swirling, teasing, playful engagement with life. There is so much sorrow on tap right now that itā€™s essential to anchor happiness and revelry also, when we are able, as this ripples out and helps to heal and lift the collective.


Sunday December 31

Ā We settle down into a moderate New Yearā€™s Eve, under the watchful eye of a Moon Saturn opposition in the axis of order and chaos.Ā 

This tells me that we are moving into a ā€œTrust in God, but tie up your camelā€ sort of year. Mercury spends the whole day at his 22Ā° Sag station degree, drawing back his noble bow, preparing to launch tomorrow afternoon, into the brand New Year.Ā 

Do some grounding practices today and take some deep calming breaths in and out. In fact, here is a helpful meditation. Vagus Nerve Exercises To Rewire Your Brain From Anxiety

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