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The Solstice 🕯️

The Solstice 🕯️

{Southern scopes at bottom of page}

Solstice is such a special time, whether you are in the deep quiet and frozen north, or the elevated extensive warmth filled south. 

One of the magical things that unites both solstices is what is called the poinsettia flower. 

‘Cuetlaxochitl’ is an Aztec solstice plant. 

In 1825, JR Poinsett, a U.S. ambassador to Mexico found the plants growing on the hillsides. He then introduced “poinsettias” to the US markets. Now you know their real name


Solstice is a time of extremes, when either night or day dominates completely. There are places in the north such as Tromsø, Norway where there is complete darkness for three weeks surrounding solstice. In the summer the sun never sets for that same amount of time. 

We are solar beings, nothing would survive here without our beloved solar star. In the north we are the farthest from it, and are reminded how much its absence or presence affects our world. 

We light candles and sing songs and tend our hearths, all the while holding faith that the Sun will return and the wheel of the year will turn once more. 


“The darkness is your mother;

she behooves reverence, 

since the mother is dangerous. 

She has power over you, 

since she gave birth to you. 

Honor the darkness as the light, 

and you will illumine your darkness.”

~ Carl G. Jung


This is a big week filled with family, food, spirits, sweets, and memories in the making, as well as old precious memories, and maybe some sad ones too. 

Some people have a hard time with the holidays so stay attuned to your people in case you notice someone needing extra love. I wish for you a very special solstice, whichever version you are experiencing, and a blessed Christmas if you celebrate. 

Thank you for being a reader! 



Monday December 18

There is an extended conversation happening between Mercury rx & Jupiter rx. They are both in earth signs, helping us stay grounded and helping us to rework our narrative. There is always a collective narrative and a personal narrative interweaving and that’s the world we live in. This next month offers us an opportunity to do some intentional redirects and rewrites as needed to help us feel optimism and excitement. The world will continue its wild peregrinations but you do not have to be dragged behind the horse. You get to decide what things mean… what life means. The Pisces Moon makes an entranced trine to Venus in Scorpio today giving a boost to any fledgling holiday romances.


Tuesday December 19

The late Sag Sun makes a square to Neptune & the Moon today helping us to dissolve our existing sense of self to make room for something new. You might feel low energy or fatigued today as we finish the darkest days of the year in the north. Take today and tomorrow to rest as much as possible, and take a stiff dose of Vitamin C.

The old year is dying so the new year can be reborn. 


Wednesday December 20 

Venus & Mars are having all sorts of dynamic conversations today meaning it’s a very relational day. 

Venus makes a striking opposition to Uranus at 18° Taurus/Scorpio which can indicate a sudden shift in what you like: what was attractive & desirable to you in the past may change. If this happens while in a partnership, it can be jarring. Uranus can flip our positions, encouraging us to try to new things. If a relationship “suddenly ends” during this transit, it was less out of the blue than lots of things building up over time and this can be a flash point. A good use of this transit is creativity. This can also be a red-flag for the economy. 

Thursday December 21 

Solstice comes but twice a year, at the apex and nadir of the solar year. In the evening of the west coast the Sun enters Capricorn and we touch the ground and join the Sun in deep stillness. Capricorn is the sign of winter and when we get to the bones of the matter. The ingress chart of a new season can be used to divine what comes over the next few months, but the solstice chart also governs the whole year. There is a little spark of earth magic; as the Sun enters 00° Cap, the Moon has just entered her exaltation in Taurus. This immediately brings in Jupiter who will trine the Sun & Mercury rx as the Moon crosses the Great Benefic, just days from Christmas. Wealth comes in many forms and we are going to learn more about what true wealth means over the next year. 

Friday December 22 

Today is the Cazimi mid point of this Mercury retrograde as Mercury joins the Sun at 00° Capricorn. They agree that this is a serious time but that we must remain in contact with joy. The Moon joins Jupiter in Taurus and it’s easy to get your ‘hygge’ on. 

Focus on good food and your favorite seasonal music and extract as much joy as you can out of the day. 

Saturday December 23 

The Moon joins Uranus in Taurus opposing Venus, quincunx Mars today creating rather tense and spicy mood, especially if anyone decides to talk politics at a family gathering. Maybe avoid those topics? This may be harder than it would seem though as Mars in mouthy and blunt Sag is trine to IDGAF North Node in Aries. As Mercury rx is now back in Sag too, square Neptune beware of drinking too much and melting down. 


Sunday December 24 

Oh holy night, we have reached Christmas Eve, in a year where our wings may feel pretty singed. This whole arc of days, from solstice until January 1 we are in a process of renewal that wants quiet times to ruminate and ponder. The Gemini Moon does NOT want this, so you may have to swim a little upstream to find it.

Southern Horoscopes


Monday December 18

We continue the Saturn theme today as the Moon moves from late, Saturn ruled Aquarius into early Pisces, joining Saturn. 

Saturn is our friend! He wants us to be the best we can be. He helps us with adulting and represents the karma that accompanies our actions. Karma is simply the result of our choices and can be quite good. Saturn is always here to help us get down to brass tacks, so allow a little self-discipline today as a way to know you’re on the right track, which feels so good moving forward.


Tuesday December 19

There is an extended conversation happening between Mercury rx & Jupiter rx. They are both in earth signs, helping us stay grounded and helping us to rework our narrative. There is always a collective narrative and a personal narrative interweaving and that’s the world we live in. This next month offers us an opportunity to do some intentional redirects and rewrites as needed to help us feel optimism and excitement. The world will continue its wild peregrinations but you do not have to be dragged behind the horse. You get to decide what things mean… what life means. The Pisces Moon makes an entranced trine to Venus in Scorpio today giving a boost to any fledgling holiday romances.


Wednesday December 20 

The late Sag Sun makes a square to Neptune & the Moon today helping us to dissolve our existing sense of self to make room for something new. You might feel low energy or fatigued today as we finish the longest days of the year in the south. Take today and tomorrow to rest as much as possible, and take a stiff dose of Vitamin C.

The old year is dying so the new year can be reborn. 


Thursday December 21 

Venus & Mars are having all sorts of dynamic conversations today meaning it’s a very relational day. 

Venus makes a striking opposition to Uranus at 18° Taurus/Scorpio which can indicate a sudden shift in what you like: what was attractive & desirable to you in the past may change. If this happens while in a partnership, it can be jarring. Uranus can flip our positions, encouraging us to try to new things. If a relationship “suddenly ends” during this transit, it was less out of the blue than lots of things building up over time and this can be a flash point. A good use of this transit is creativity. This can also be a red-flag for the economy. 


Friday December 22 

Solstice comes but twice a year, at the apex and nadir of the solar year. In the evening of the west coast the Sun enters Capricorn and we touch the ground and join the Sun in deep stillness. Capricorn is the sign of winter and when we get to the bones of the matter. The ingress chart of a new season can be used to divine what comes over the next few months, but the solstice chart also governs the whole year. There is a little spark of earth magic; as the Sun enters 00° Cap, the Moon has just entered her exaltation in Taurus. This immediately brings in Jupiter who will trine the Sun & Mercury rx as the Moon crosses the Great Benefic, just days from Christmas. Wealth comes in many forms and we are going to learn more about what true wealth means over the next year. 


Saturday December 23 

Today is the Cazimi mid point of this Mercury retrograde as Mercury joins the Sun at 00° Capricorn. They agree that this is a serious time but that we must remain in contact with joy. The Moon joins Jupiter in Taurus and it’s easy to get your ‘hygge’ on. 

Focus on good food and your favorite seasonal music and extract as much joy as you can out of the day. 

Sunday December 24 

The Moon joins Uranus in Taurus opposing Venus, quincunx Mars today creating rather tense and spicy mood, especially if anyone decides to talk politics at a family gathering. Maybe avoid those topics? This may be harder than it would seem though as Mars in mouthy and blunt Sag is trine to IDGAF North Node in Aries. As Mercury rx is now back in Sag too, square Neptune beware of drinking too much and melting down.

I created handcrafted 2024 Forecasts for you, sign by sign. Each one comes with 12 months in pdf form that can be printed, and an audio version with time stamps. 

Each sign is $20, three for $50 until January 1.

They are not replacements for readings rather a personal compendium to accompany these weeklies throughout the year. 

If you want to get more than your Sun sign I recommend ascendant and then Moon. If there are doubles then select either Venus or Mars.

They make great gifts & stocking stuffers 

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